Is It Time to Move Beyond the Tea Parties?

Have the tea parties been played out? Erick Erickson at Red State argues so, but more importantly, what do I think?

Personally, I’ve never been super big on tea parties. Tea parties are things little girls have with their dolls. Also, the only time I drink tea is when I drink green tea from little cups without handles to pretend I’m a samurai. I always would have rather had like a fight club than a tea party, but those are hard to get started.

And another thing: Don’t you think the tea parties have not been focused enough on the threat of meteors? Certainly not as much as the group Concerned Citizens Against Meteors. The tea party has been all focused on things like out-of-control spending and taxes, but meteors can destroy like a whole city. Keep some perspective, people.

Also, when was the last time you saw a sign at a tea party protest that was about the need for giant robots that kill people? I’ll soon be a father, and one day my child will look up at me and say, “Dad, are we being protected by giant robots?” And I want to be able to answer, “Yes. And call me Mr. Fleming. Informality killed the dinosaurs.” And then he’ll probably say, “Okay, but what’s with the sword and weird robe?” And I’ll say, “It’s tea time, stupid.”

So maybe the tea parties aren’t covering all the concerns of Americans. Perhaps it would be better if we made just some more general group working towards the original goal of our Founding Fathers: the eradication of all Democrats.

I’m a samurai!


  1. “Whats with the sword and wierd robe?” It\s tea time, stupid.”
    I love it. We need that in a movie with Chuck norris and Fred Thompson.

    The Tea Partys don’t address important stuff, like giant death Ruimsfeld robots, rocket-mounted dinos, hippie face-punches, and meteors threatening mankind from the seventh planet.

  2. Don’t forget, as giant meteor or asteroid destroyed the dinosaurs. I mean, the freakin’ dinosaurs! All them big teeth and claws and being big didn’t do squat because they weren’t paying attention. You think the dinosaurs saw that big puppy hit and didn’t right there and then realize they had made a mistake? Maybe they started thinking that having some giant robots who could have destroyed the meteor would have been spiffy and peachy keen? You betcha!

    Tea parties? I’m a coffe guy myself…

  3. Its come out in the news that liberals are sending infiltrators ito the tea party rallies to try to make people look “supid and racist”. This is hilarious. We have a tea party convention tomorrow here in Nashville, and I want to go just to see if the looney libs get in and act a fool. Thats the biggest attraction to me. It will be almost as fun as pelting PETA members with raw meat….mmmm bacon….got off track there for a second. I think a Southern Sweet Tea Party would be good, you can’t beat a cold glass of fresh sweet tea. We could have secret passwords like “Sumbich” and “Lookiethar”.

  4. The tea parties for now are mostly a conservative attempt to retake control of the republican party after the awful 04-08 years. That you might have a majority view with 70% of the rest of Americans and neither party really represents your view shows just how much special interest like a cancer have taken over the vital organs of the patient.

    As I mentioned here before the first sign of the Tea parties was when they came out of the woodwork and to stop Bush and the then Republican House and Senate from passing amnesty. The official tea parties still happened well before Republicans were willing to disagree with Obama and before they were willing to talk tough on fiscal anything. Politicians like anything to do with government are always a good distance behind everyone else. This isn’t on accident this is because they are yellow bellied exploiters not leaders.

    You don’t have to be a Tea Partier to know that they are very very important. Voters who know nothing of policy always see a moral equivalence. When they see one side rise up and they assume the other side is pushing things to far. If they don’t see protest they assume the other side isn’t doing anything too bad. It cut against us with Bush and the anti-war protests and it now is cutting towards us with the tea parties.

  5. I’ve been a member in good standing (OK, more of a wobbly good standing) of The Beer Party since the early 70s when I discovered this most wonderful of God’s gifts to humanity. I’m just wondering who was the Cro Magnon or Neantherthal or whatever who first made beer? The should be a statue of the guy in every city, town or village.

    And before any of the wise ladies who post here get on my case, yes, it had to be a guy who invented beer. Let’s all gather around and give thanks…

  6. I was disappointed by my first tea party, last February in Santa Monica, when the emcee announced that, to protect the environment, we would dump our tea into a rubbish bin full of water instead of hurling it off the pier into the ocean. Because what did our founding fathers stand for, if not environmental conservation? (FYI: At least one person, I couldn’t say who, but it might have been “a friend”, disobeyed the injunction and cast his tea into the ocean.)

  7. Democrat Delenda Est

    The Democrat Party must be destroyed. Seriously, longterm that must be the goal because any other goal means they will just come back again and the fight will never end.

    There are no moderate Dems. There were long ago but not anymore. There still are Progressive Repubs but we are working on ridding ourselves of them exactly like the Dems have succeeded in purging their ranks. Now that we finally have clarity, Americans on one side, Socialists on the other, let us finish this hundred year struggle once and for all. Let us not rest until the very last Democrat is driven from the last position of authority. Federal, State, Local elected office, bastions of academia and the media, all of it. Then peace and prosperity will reign for a hundred years…. until people forget.

  8. Okay, who are you and what have you done with FrnakJ?

    You don’t like tea parties?

    You don’t like dressing up like Indians (the ones not from a subcontinent) and throwing England’s stuff into the harbor?

    Or are you just jealous because you don’t have a tomahawk?

    Geez, every American needs a tomahawk.
    What the heck do you throw at trees?

  9. I always would have rather had like a fight club than a tea party, but those are hard to get started.

    They’re not hard to get started, I belong to one down in this dude’s basement across town and……..oh crap, I just violated rule number one. Forget I said anything….

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