If Obama keeps things up, we should do what they did in Atlas Shrugged and lift globes over our heads.
Still trying to teach my dog to headbutt people in the groin. Maybe she’ll be ready next April Fools Day. “Don’t worry; she doesn’t bite.” Heh.
I was a natural at curling. I never even lost my balance once. I’ll be the next Shuster.
Phil Hare does seem pretty emblematic of liberals. “I could have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for that meddling Constitution!” Funny thing is he thinks he’s making a heroic statement. “I want to help you so bad, I’m not going to let the Constitution get in my way!” Phil Hare, the Constitution isn’t the Prime Directive and you ain’t Captain Kirk.
Only if I can shake it so the bad people fall off.
Still trying to teach my dog to headbutt people in the groin. Maybe she’ll be ready next April Fools Day.
You have a badly retarded dog if she needs to be taught to do that. Dogs do that quite naturally, in my experience.
If you have to teach your dog to headbutt groins, someone has trained her previously to NOT headbutt groins. Or the retarded possibility is correct.
One of my dogs waits until you turn around, then goes for the butt headbutt. Which is not a palindrome, but quite funny when it makes people jump.
I believe that might have been the novel where all the intellectuals left the world to the idiots. The idiots were left to govern themselves without the assistance of those who were the thinkers and who supported their sorry butts. The parasites had nobody to suck dry anymore. or am I confusing this with Fountainhead?
How about Obama holding a bucket over his head? Obama shrugged?
Had a big shepherd that liked to get a running start for the groin butt. All of the smart human males on the block feeared him.
Phil Hare allowed us a peak into thr heart and soul of a liberal. Good Kirk analogy, too.
Palindrome, not to be confused with the PalinDome, which was Sarah Palin’s Alaskan version of ThunderDome.
Phil Hare: “Damn the Constitution! Full speed ahead!”
Is the In-law motto, “treat you like crap for years – never apologize – then suddenly expect favors years later?” Or is that just modes operandi for the worse then A.I.D.s’ baby-boomer generation of in-laws?
I had a random thought too. Frank, what’re you gonna dress Sarah in as she gets mmmmmmmmmmmmmbigger? You need a special Nuke The Moon shirt just for her where the moon is lower and fits round her belly. It’d be like a 3D IMAO t-shirt. And the baby will feel like the tide is perfect because, hey, there’s the moon!