“Run Away!”

So Walker, Wisconsin Governor, is trying to take on the teachers unions and cut the budget, and what was the Democrats’ response? They fled the state — just ran away. The left’s tactics have gotten increasingly odd as they get less and less popular, and now when confronted with state budget problems they’ve settled on running and hiding. Strangely, Walker has sent the police to find them, but I don’t get why. I guess they’re needed to finalize the bill, but there has to be some way around that. It’s just when you hear the Democrat legislators have fled your state, it’s really odd that your first response would be, “How do I get them back?” The smarter response is, “Can we nationalize this?” We need to find what laws will get Democrats to flee from all the other states and what will cause Obama to leave the White House and run and hide. And if these chase away the Democrats bills are passed in every state, eventually the Democrats will have no option but to flee to Canada — and they’ll probably be much happier there. We certainly will be. And you know what happens when all Democrats flee to Canada? That’s right: We’ve won the future.


  1. I’ve figured out why they ran: this way they don’t have to vote on the issue and have their vote used against them. If they stuck around and voted against it, they would be forced to answer to voters, if they voted for the measure, they would loose support from unions.

  2. “When Responsibility raised it’s ugly head,
    Some democrat turned tail and fled
    They bravely ran away!
    They bravely ran away”

    Rayfan, they’ll lose the vote no matter what. So rather than accept defeat, they’ve taken their toys and run away like any other ten year old. The point is to thwart the will of the people moreso than cover their bums. They the Obama class of democrats in action.

  3. I honestly think they should freeze the bank accounts and stop all paychecks of the democrats while they are hiding out of state to compel them to return. This is a cowardly and childish tactic that actually withered away the last bit of hope that I had that democrats could be considered adults even in the loosest sence of the word.

  4. Soooo……it turns out Sir Robin was a Wisconsin Democrat: Minstrel: [singing] Brave Sir Robin ran away…
    Sir Robin: *No!*
    Minstrel: [singing] bravely ran away away…
    Sir Robin: *I didn’t!*
    Minstrel: [singing] When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.
    Sir Robin: *I never did!*
    Minstrel: [singing] Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about, and valiantly, he chickened out.
    Sir Robin: *Oh, you liars!*
    Minstrel: [singing] Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat. A brave retreat by brave Sir Robin.

  5. That’s OK, Blair. When you see the Democrats arrive, put ’em in a vice and squeeze the vegetable oil out of ’em. (It’s vegetable oil because they’re actually just plants with legs yelling “Feed me! Feed me!”) You can use the oil to grease the treads of Canadian tanks.

  6. Walker, Wisconsin Governor, blows his nose at them, and farts in their general direction.

    O-bah-muhh: “Can’t they just vote, ‘Present’?”

    O-bah-muhh: “Though Walker, Wisconsin Governor, acted stoopidlee, maybe we can arrange a Beer Summit. Leinenkugels all around ‘garcon’

  7. If the dems didn’t want to accept defeat, instead of fleeing like cowards they should have committed seppuku to preserve their honor. But if they had honor to begin with they wouldn’t be dems, although I would still recommend ritual suicide for them.

  8. Hopefully, the fleeing democRATS will stay out of my state long enough that we can revoke their residency. And doesn’t it figure they ran to Illinois, with all their deceased voters and incarcerated governors and, coming soon, failed one-term presidents.

  9. Democrat lawmakers shall now be shackled to their desks for the entire legislative session by special Governor decree. The governor has appointed a Non-Fleeing Czar who shall tazer any Democrat who even looks at the Exit sign during session. During breaks, Democrats shall be chained together and loaded on to buses and shipped to the nearby Super Max facility that was recently built with stimulus money in record time! There they shall receive one shower per week and 3 hots and a cot! TV will not be allowed and they shall all wear pink underwear! BWAAAAAAA!

  10. I wish the media would represent the whole truth and Republicans would tell the whole truth. If this bill was just about correcting the states financial problems and state workers not wanting to pay their fair share, WHY are the firefighters and police supporting the workers, when their pensions and benefits are not affected by this BILL???? My colleagues and I are more than willing pay our share of benefits but are not willing to loose all of our rights and voice in the work place. The people are only asking for “WALKER” to take a look at all sides of the issue like a mature responsible person would do. Forget the politics and “LISTEN” to what the people are saying. Politicians don’t really represent the people, they represent whoever has the most money to pay them off.

  11. News from Wisconsin:

    “The throngs of Walker supporters who arrived in Madison on Saturday for an afternoon rally organized by Tea Party Patriots, the movement’s largest umbrella group, and Americans for Prosperity, carried signs with a fresh set of messages: “Your Gravy Train Is Over . . . Welcome to the Recession” and “Sorry, we’re late Scott. We work for a living.”

    “We pay the bills!” tea party favorite Herman Cain yelled to cheers from the pro-Walker crowd. “This is why you elected Scott Walker, and he’s doing his job. … Wisconsin is broke. My question for the other side is, ‘What part of broke don’t you understand?'”

    “Madison police estimated 60,000 or more people were outside the Capitol, with up to 8,000 more inside what’s normally an immaculate building. It’s now a mess of mud-coated floors that reeks from several days of protesters standing shoulder-to-shoulder for hours on end.”

    “Steve Boss, 26, a refrigerator technician from Oostburg, carried a sign that read “The Protesters Are All ‘Sick’ — Wash your Hands,” a reference to the teacher sick-outs that swelled crowds at the Capitol to 40,000 people Friday and raised the noise in its rotunda to earsplitting levels.”

    *”Doctors from numerous hospitals set up a station near the Capitol to provide notes to explain public employees’ absences from work. Family physician Lou Sanner, 59, of Madison, said he had given out hundreds of notes. Many of the people he spoke with seemed to be suffering from stress, he said.”

    “What employers have a right to know is if the patient was assessed by a duly licensed physician about time off of work,” Sanner said. “Employers don’t have a right to know the nature of that conversation or the nature of that illness. So it’s as valid as every other work note that I’ve written for the last 30 years.”

    *(Sounds like a conspiracy to commit fraud to me.)

  12. What they need to do is issue warrants, then have them arrested. Then the state chooses to only extradite the bare number needed to give them a quorum in the state congress. March them in under guard, they can vote no to their little hearts content, but they get steamrolled. Make sure to push through every republican dream act, while you are at it. It’s harsh, may be barely legal, certainly questionably ethical, but no more so then fleeing ones sword duties as a political stunt. It’ll keep anyone from ever doing something like this again.

  13. I don’t see what the problem is. Just have other states that are considering similar measures all propose their bills at the same time. Then the unions will have so many places they need to be at once that they’ll get confused and spontaneously combust.

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