You can jump to the 30 second mark if you’re tired of watching the caterpillar eat (which has nothing to do with the metamorphosis part of the video, anyway)
[Monarch Butterfly Metamorphosis time-lapse FYV 1080 HD] (Viewer #241,668)
You can jump to the 30 second mark if you’re tired of watching the caterpillar eat (which has nothing to do with the metamorphosis part of the video, anyway)
[Monarch Butterfly Metamorphosis time-lapse FYV 1080 HD] (Viewer #241,668)
A self-described “Hillary fan” said she hopes that Mrs. Clinton bows out of the race.
Never thought I’d say this, but I guess I’m sort of a Hillary fan, too.
[High Praise! to]
In the town where I grew up, the public library had a VERY extensive collection of Peanuts anthology books, and I read them all, so I’m far more familiar with the pre-1970 comic strips that one would normally expect for someone my age.
And although I never previously thought of it in the specific terms the author of the article puts it in, I recognize that he is exactly right: Snoopy worked better as a dog than as a big-nosed kid.
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]
In a new survey in the UK, half of young people said they are not 100% heterosexual.
The other half said they’re not showering after gym class.
“I have repeatedly challenged anyone opposed to this deal to put forward a better, plausible alternative.” -President Obama #IranDeal
“And please stop suggesting ‘destroying our enemies in armed conflict, taking away both their capability and willingness to do us harm’.”
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The most controversial costume you can wear this Halloween…
An Italian neurosurgeon claims that his plan for the first human head transplant stands “a 90% chance of success”.
OK, but what are the chances that he’s also good at laying odds?
(CAUTION: Contains a little coarse language)
[The Karate Kid: Daniel is the REAL Bully] (Viewer #4,129,204)
At a county fair in Utah, a pig-wrestler threw an animal rights protester over the fence.
Outrageous! Can you believe the pig just stood by and did nothing?
[High Praise! to Mental Floss]
15 Gorgeous Examples of the Lost Art of Blackboard Sketching
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Took me a minute to figure out why this video struck me as so odd…
Then I realized he’s not wearing a helmet or pads.
Now THAT’S old school.
[Richie Jackson’s Weirdest Skate Tricks] (Viewer #28,099)
Despite Obama’s talk of a growing economy, food banks across the country report they’re struggling to keep up with demand.
Oddly, a complaint you’ll never hear about Michelle Obama’s school lunch program.
[High Praise! to Rubes]
Despite the sun being covered by clouds a lot, the production values and labeling of the compass points still make for an engaging experience.
In the summer time at Scott Base the sun is above the horizon for 4 months, from roughly the end of the third week of October until the end of the third week of February. This shows the movement of the sun over a full 24 hour period near the peak of summer.
Camera was set to take a photo once every one minute and one second (so that the second hand would be moving). Lens was set on f22 to get enough depth of field to have the watch and horizon both in focus. A modified Orion equatorial telescope mount was used to track the sun. Camera and tracking powered by solar panel and batteries.