Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
At the global warming conference in Paris, everyone agreed…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
At the global warming conference in Paris, everyone agreed…
…that everyone should avoid eating ice cream as it now melts 1.3 seconds faster in your hand.
…to drink the blood of the conference waitstaff, to… uh… reduce their carbon footprint.
…that the Dijon mustard was the best.
…that climate demonstrators are terrorists.
…that Obama should shut up already…
…to start memorizing selected suras from the Koran, you know – just in case…
…that President Obama talked too long, but hey, he’s such a stud.
At the global warming conference in Paris, everyone agreed…
the crease in Obama’s pants was perfect….Oh!
limiting a carbon footprint didn’t apply to those who really “Cared” about our “Climate future”.
dose that got get to keep, dose dat ain’t got ain’t gonna get.
Americans need to be taxed more, by the International Community.
…which made all the heads in the rest of the world explode.
…that they all really just wanted to be lumberjacks.
…that they should listen to this advice:
Ladies and Gentlemen
take my advice
pull down your pants
and slide on the … puddle.
to a degree.
…that they really were gonna need a bigger boat.
…that they were all Bozo’s on this bus.
…to give Obama a Harumph!
…that they really wouldn’t do it for Randolph Scott.
…that the rest of the world as collateral damage is acceptable if enough elites remain to gloat in the war on the American people.
…the world has only the ink left in Obama’s pen to be saved from cataclysmic climate change.
…we know what Mother Nature is, all that’s left is agreeing on how much she gets paid.
…that fatuous, drunk and stupid is the way to go through life.
That unicorn farts were methane free, and hence would be an acceptable source of energy to replace fossil fuels
everyone agreed… that Pajama Boy would make a great replacement for Gore in the next Globull Warming movie.
…Bill Nye was a failure as a spokes person. They need someone with more gravitas…like Captain Kangaroo.
…the little people must pay!!!
…to sequester all the carbon into diamonds for the crowns of royalty.
At the global warming conference in Paris, everyone agreed…
…that Al Gore had packed on some pounds.
…Capitalism must go.
…where’s Captain Planet when you need him?
At the global warming conference in Paris, everyone agreed…
Money is the root of all Climate Change. So they should have all of it for safe keeping.
At the global warming conference in Paris, everyone agreed…
that all propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be. But if, as in propaganda for sticking out a war, the aim is to influence a whole people, we must avoid excessive intellectual demands on our public, and too much caution cannot be extended in this direction.
The more modest its intellectual ballast, the more exclusively it takes into consideration the emotions of the masses, the more effective it will be. And this is the best proof of the soundness or unsoundness of a propaganda campaign, and not success pleasing a few scholars or young aesthetes.
The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses. The fact that our bright boys do not understand this merely shows how mentally lazy and conceited they are.
Once understood how necessary it is for propaganda in be adjusted to the broad mass, the following rule results:
It is a mistake to make propaganda many-sided, like scientific instruction, for instance.
The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. As soon as you sacrifice this slogan and try to be many-sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest nor retain the material offered. In this way the result is weakened and in the end entirely cancelled out.
Thus we see that propaganda must follow a simple line and correspondingly the basic tactics must be psychologically sound.
At the global warming conference in Paris, everyone agreed that their soiree was a exactly like the Chicago “Players Ball,” where all the pimps from around the country took a vacation from human trafficking and gathered together to display their wealth and finery to each other…except IPCC party goers display their stolen wealth with a lot more taste and class.
At the global warming conference in Paris, everyone agreed…
… that Hillary will still be the favorite in this year’s Liars Playoff, when the committee announces her competition of Barry Soetoro, Susan Rice, and Algore. (Bill Clinton and Satan are still miffed that the committee still has them ranked 5th and 6th, respectively.)
… that Soetoro’s lack of knowledge of global warming was on a par with his lack of knowledge of mass shootings never happening outside of America. And the dumbbell said this in Paris, no less.
…that all your global warming are belong to us.
“…that they really wouldn’t do it for Randolph Scott.
by rodney dill on Dec 1, 2015 at 12:50 pm”
@13 references in order:
1. Jaws
2. Firesign Theater
3. Blazing Saddles
4. Blazing Saddles
…that burning kittens was carbon neutral.
…that no one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of liberals.
…Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Weirding…at this point, what difference does it make?
…that they had to push the Climate Change meme to save their phony baloney jobs!
…that in order to save the world, Obama had to bring them….a herring!
…that that cheap ISIS oil sure is nice to have!
@22 NOMO I am glad someone was taking notes.
…that people who use plastic garbage bags should be prosecuted and then shot, or, vice versa.
…that if we don’t solve our climate problem, worldwide consumption of dog meat will go up (Obama drooled).
…that if we don’t solve our climate problem, worldwide cannibalism is next (the French drooled).
…cookies are better with walnuts
@32 c64: But they are! They are!
. . . that Mary Ann was more attractive than Ginger.
…that there would be Festivus for the rest of us.
At the Global Warming Conference in Paris, Everyone Agreed…
… that the kickbacks from the environmental outrage industrial complex were making them all rich.
… comparing the participants to a bunch of imbeciles would be a terrible insult to imbeciles.
… dunce caps didn’t look that bad if they decorated them with fingerpaint.
that if only Israel would go away World Peace would be at hand.
Chicken and waffles. Period.
…that if your horse is high enough you’re above the stench of poverty and misery your proclamations produce.
…a horse that high needs legalized pot more than clean air.
…it’s a good thing the other terrorists haven’t caught on to the tactic of wearing an expensive suit.
… that Obama really is a colossal, pompous ass.
…to let them eat cake.