Archive of entries posted on 28th December 2015
I’m Rooting for the Former
Researchers claim they have now discovered “intelligence genes” in human beings.
So, which do you think will happen first? We cure stupid, or liberals declare it a protected class?
Is This Even Controversial to Anyone?
[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]
Some discussion on the background of this quote.
And some background on its author.
Link of the Day: George Lucas vs. “Form Follows Function”
[High Praise! to Popular Mechanics]
5 Reasons “Star Wars” Spaceships Make Absolutely No Sense
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
Well, He IS the Only One With an Actual Acting Career
A new report shows that Harrison Ford was paid 56 times more than his SW:TFA co-stars.
Oddly, the only one with too much self-respect to sell out – Jar Jar.
Obama Warned Us – Best of 2015
In the weekly address, President Obama gives a roundup of the top ten things that happened in 2015. Watch: http://ofa.bo/s9Yp
“Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, and 7 other of my close advisers are still outside prison walls.”
Straight Line of the Day: Attempting to Appeal to a Hispanic Audience, Hillary Clinton…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Attempting to appeal to a Hispanic audience, Hillary Clinton…
Random Thoughts: Trump, Hillary, and the Beatles
Trump 2016: “In your heart, you know he’s worth billions of dollars.”
Don’t want a label on product telling me it was made locally. Want a label telling me if it was made where it had best comparative advantage
*listening to Nobel Prize winning Danish physicist going on about electrons’ discrete energy levels*
“More like Niels Not-Very-Interesting.”
Which candidate is finally going to take on the root problem of immigration: the existence of other countries?
You can tell who is an uninformed voter because they’re enthusiastic about one of the candidates.
Bernie Sanders’s backwardness would almost be cute if not for the unacknowledged violence in the system he espouses.
Salon is the Weekly World News of left-wing commentary.
I keep hearing about billionaire Elon Musk, but I realized I have no idea how he made his fortune. I assume cologne.
With choices like Trump and Hillary, maybe we’ll spend more time on strategizing how to persist without any president.
That article Hillary shared, “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your ebola”, seems to have backfired.
Seemed accurate, though. “3. Causes you to vomit blood”
I’m finally going to hear these Beatles I’ve heard everyone talk about.
Need version of Its a Wonderful Life where we find out what things would be like if Uncle Billy never existed. Guessing futuristic utopia.
It’s a Wonderful Life isn’t a Christmas movie. Only a small portion of it occurs during Christmas time. Unlike Die Hard.
I’m not trying to start arguments, but Human Centipede isn’t a Christmas movie.
There is more photographic evidence of bigfoot than there is of anyone actually celebrating Kwanzaa.
You can tell who is a true conservative because they’re not running for a political office.
I’m Sure Those Records Are Sealed, Too
In an interview on Hawaiian radio, President Obama actually played the race card on Donald Trump.
Not sure what Obama’s offended about. Maybe his non-black half is White-Hispanic.