Archive of entries posted on 19th December 2015
So Obvious, When You Think About It
Asked why he thinks so many Americans are buying guns, Josh Earnest replied, “I don’t know, I really don’t.”
Same reason you have to walk past armed guards to get into the briefing room, Josh.
Link of the Day: Impossible to Tell From the Real Thing
[Via Mental Floss (High Praise!)]
NOTE: “BS” isn’t abbreviated at the link
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
This Response Might Be Appropriate for Most Lefty Arguments
[Amherst: D’Souza DESTROYS Leftist College Students Arguments] (Viewer #589,030)
When watching this, my first reaction was “there’s no payoff in the world big enough to make it worth sitting through this nancy-boy’s PC white-guilt prattle”.
I’m glad I stuck it out though, because I was wrong.
But if you don’t have the patience for it, I’ll understand. It *is* painful to listen to.
Why You Should Fear Obama
During an interview on Fox, Marco Rubio said that people are scared about terrorism because Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing.
True. But they’re even more scared that he does.
Cruz Christmas Classics!
This Is How to Get Obama’s Attention
Yes, that’s right I’m going to ruin it all, right here and now by giving away the biggest secrets the new Star Wars movie has to offer (even though I haven’t seen it yet)!
*WARNING: Do not venture beyond the break if you don’t wish to have these secrets revealed to you!
Continue reading ‘STAR WARS SPOILERS*’ »