Asked why he thinks so many Americans are buying guns, Josh Earnest replied, “I don’t know, I really don’t.”
Same reason you have to walk past armed guards to get into the briefing room, Josh.
Asked why he thinks so many Americans are buying guns, Josh Earnest replied, “I don’t know, I really don’t.”
Same reason you have to walk past armed guards to get into the briefing room, Josh.
Understand why real Americans do things? I can’t even begin to speculate!
Josh is telling the truth. He really doesn’t know the reason. He also doesn’t know the reason that Americans leave high-tax states for lower-tax states, or high-crime areas for lower-crime areas. If he lived in San Francisco, he would be saying, “I don’t know why we have so many homeless people here when we have all these programs for the homeless.” There are tens of millions of people like Josh in that respect here in the USA, which explains Obama’s election an re-election.
Not quite the same reason as for the armed guards.
The military, the police and other agencies are forbidden to even call enemies what they are, and not allowed to destroy or hold them.
There are now stiffer penalties for hurting feelings or pets than damaging people’s bodies. Laws are so complex nobody can understand them all. Our government acts as if the laws of economics don’t apply anymore. Our leaders can’t agree on the meaning of plain words. Plain law is often publicly ignored when it applies to high officials.
More people are killed so far this year in Chicago (461) or Baltimore(333) than in many other places that allow guns, but somehow, since it is in gun free cities run by friends of the government, it makes no national headlines. The homicide rate in these places is several times the national average. Most people are not good at judging statistics, but many can still smell a rat.
Some people want to exert control over their own destiny, and find it hard to trust a government that sounds insane.