A Florida gun shop owner prevailed in a discrimination suit, winning the right to continue to post a “Muslim-Free Zone” sign in his window.
Wow. He didn’t even have to bake them a cake.
A Florida gun shop owner prevailed in a discrimination suit, winning the right to continue to post a “Muslim-Free Zone” sign in his window.
Wow. He didn’t even have to bake them a cake.
[High Praise! to Dan Sullivan]
The owner of the site emailed me and asked for a link. If survivalism is a topic that interests you, it’s worth clicking over & poking around.
For example: “Toilet paper alternatives for survival”
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
During his weekly address, President Obama compared the Syrian refugees to pilgrims on the Mayflower.
So… some Pilgrims stowed away just so they could blow up the Indians?
I know. I don’t blog anymore. You’re probably wondering: “Did Harvey ban him?”
Yes. Let’s go with that. Let’s blame Harvey.
But here I am posting right now, and it’s not for any ulterior motive but just because I love you readers.
Oh, BTW, my excellent novel, Superego — a heartwarming tale about a psychotic hitman — is a Kindle Daily Deal at $1.99 for today only.
…And what else was I going to talk about? Is there some sort of presidential election going on or something?