A Florida gun shop owner prevailed in a discrimination suit, winning the right to continue to post a “Muslim-Free Zone” sign in his window.
Wow. He didn’t even have to bake them a cake.
A Florida gun shop owner prevailed in a discrimination suit, winning the right to continue to post a “Muslim-Free Zone” sign in his window.
Wow. He didn’t even have to bake them a cake.
“U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom ruled that Florida Gun Supply owner Andy Hallinan’s sign was protected by the First Amendment, and the activists couldn’t prove they were injured by the action, a local NBC affiliate reported.”
So basically since they didn’t have anyone actually denied entrance or service for just being Muslim the owner was permitted the expression but I would bet you dollars to donuts he would have lost just like the cake bakers if he refused an actual person, actual service. Can’t get too giddy over this “win” but it is nice that some court to actually recognize you can still publicly express an opinion in this country.