Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Angry at the United States, North Korea threatened to…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Angry at the United States, North Korea threatened to…
Angry at the United States, North Korea threatened to…
break out it’s pen and phone. BACKED BY NUCLEAR WEAPONS!
retreat to it’s safe space until the microaggressions were stopped.
not adopt a green energy plan for future power needs.
…return Dennis Rodman
…vote for Bernie.
… tear them a new Un.
… copyright the intellectual property “totalitarianism,” so the administration has to pay them royalties.
… start a hashtag campaign, of course. #BleakLivesMatter.
…start dealing directly with Donald Trump.
…ding ’em with their Taepodong-2.
Release a bat-crap load of flying monkeys at us.
Provide America with undeniable proof that the smoking man is real.
Sabotage our kimchi with cat.
Angry at the United States, North Korea threatened to…
vote for Bernie, but then decided to back down since his Socialism was just too far out man, like, wow who could believe the **** he’s been peddling. Knowhatimean?
… show how they so ornery.
…ask Hans Brick to bust their bawrs.
…uh…threatened to…ummm…hmmm….actually, they don’t have to do anything as long as Barry and Kerry ™ are in charge.
Angry at the United States, North Korea threatened to…
move to Canada.
unleash the Kracken!
taunt us a second time.
not play nice with others.
… wok the wok.
… flood the U.S. airwaves with so-called music by ‘DPRK Shakur’ and ‘Run DMZ.’ Not pirated!
…kill a few more of it’s generals.
Angry at the United States, North Korea threatened to…
have the 22nd amendment repealed, so Obama’s reign of destruction can continue at least 4 more years.
… withhold Hillary’s Oscar for Best Korea-Graft Performance.
…send a bill for the fresh paint job on the USS Pueblo.
… ratchet up their mixed metaphors to one level beyond “running dog American capitalist pigs.”
… Wait. That was Elizabeth Warren.
Angry at the United States, North Korea threatened to…
fight us with one paw tied behind their back.
tell our Mom on us.
obliterate California. Go ahead, make our day.
turn us into newts.
make Hillary Clinton President.
use their super-secret weapon that lowers the PSI in all NFL footballs to under 12.5 PSI! Muhahahahahahahaha!!!!
take John Kerry’s lunch money.
boogie oogie oogie til they just can’t boogie no more.
….move to Mexico to join the invasion and wire every last dime in America to Guatemala (tax free).
… call us wacist.
Which would be racist to quote verbatim; yet racist to correct.
So the New York Times, uncertain what to do, chose not to report it.
And denounced as racist those who asked why.
… close off our access to the New York Times’ rich vein of irony ore:
[– Unlike our media covering Obama –]
[To give the NYT credit, they don’t seem to take a position on that characterization.]
[And, as to that diversity he was talking about, the others are medium-line, patriotic and, above all, anti-American.]
[And, now to gloss over inconvenient facts . . . ]
[We’re almost at that point in America, by the way]
[That was nonideological?
That’s what I meant by “comedy gold.”]
[Well, I guess, in a Second Amendment kind of way.]
[Please take note of that word, “keen.” Ready for it? Here goes:]
used agent orange on all the golf courses and denied the prez a day off
…demand the UN create a safe space encompassing he entire China Sea.
…nuke the moon, before Trump gets a chance.