Archive of entries posted on 21st February 2016
Finally! The Source of All Evil!
In remarks to Congress, the head of the Internal Revenue Service said that both cybersecurity and customer service at his agency have suffered because of Obamacare.
So… nothing to do with the surly incompetents who run the place with nothing but a 5th Amendment plea for quality control?
Link of the Day: Satire – New DOD Regulations Confirm That OPSEC Doesn’t Apply To Everyone
[High Praise! to The Duffel Blog]
CAUTION: gratuitous swear at the end
New DOD Regulations Confirm That OPSEC Doesn’t Apply To Everyone
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
The Vertigo Hits in the Last Half
[Shun Hing Tower in Shenzhen] (Viewer #785,362)
Every time they look down, the bottom drops out of my stomach
That’s Not How We Do It In This Country
A new study shows that Bernie Sanders’s tax plan would reduce American’s income by 16%.
If your first thought was “well, that still leaves 84% for me”, you may need a refresher course on being an American.