Archive of entries posted on 23rd February 2016
But Why Is Tuition So Expensive?
Northwestern University offers students a “deconstructing whiteness” program described as a “6-part workshop series for undergraduate students who self-identify as white”.
Huh. No class on “useless classes to teach for professors who self-identify as safely tenured”?
It’s Always Scary When Joe Biden Talks and Honesty Falls Out of His Yap
I was browsing at Snopes and came across the page where they evaluate this:
Apparently Biden didn’t actually say that. What he said was
“No law abiding citizen in the United States of America has any fear that their Constitutional rights will be infringed in any way. None, zero.”
Am I the only one who thinks what he actually said was even scarier?
Link of the Day: The Final Days of Bob Hope
[High Praise! to Neatorama]
On a personal note, I’ve always been a fan of Bob Hope’s work, and I watched a lot of his variety show specials on TV during the 70’s. I remember one from the late 80’s where he seemed a little wobbly in his delivery, though, but I didn’t think too much of it.
My most vivid memory of his later career was a clip of him entertaining the troops during the Gulf War, somewhere around 1990 or 91. It was pretty much his standard material at first, but then his one-liners started getting edgier than anything I’d ever heard him say on network TV. The troops loved it, of course.
The man always knew how to work his audience. He was a gift to us all.
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
Kerry Has a Plan!
Secretary of State John Kerry met with the heads of several major Holloywood studios last week to talk about how to counter the ISIS narrative.
So… they’ll be doing a remake of “Wag the Dog“?
Obama Warned Us – Energy of the Future
“Why would we want to pass up the chance for American businesses to produce and sell the energy of the future?” — President Obama #SOTU
“I mean BESIDES it being completely unprofitable.”
Straight Line of the Day: Recently Discovered on the Dark Side of the Moon…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Recently discovered on the dark side of the moon…
Life with Isis: Safe Spaces Part 3
Life with Isis – Safe Space Part 3
(somewhere secret in the desert)
Bernie Sanders Action Figure: Free lunches for everybody. Put it on that guy’s tab over there.
Hillary Clinton Doll: White water? Sounds like a microagression to me.
Trump Action Figure: If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, I’d totally crush that.
Hillary Clinton Doll: It takes a village to raze an embassy.
Corporate HR Imam: By Allah’s mighty beard, which of you are still playing with the bomb dolls?
Crowd collectively shrugs
Habib (points toward the orphan pen where the Corporate HR Lackey is distributing the action figures to the orphans)
Corporate HR Imam: OMA! What in the name of Mohammad are you doing?
Corporate HR Lackey: I thought we were supposed to give the dolls to the orphans.
Corporate HR Imam: Not until we can get them deactivated again, you stupid scat of the infidel!
Corporate HR Lackey: Huh? What are you talking about?
Corporate HR Imam: The explosions! The bloody limbs! Are you not paying attention?
Bernie Sanders Action Figure: Oy, if these debates get any longer, I’ll need a single payer catheter.
Corporate HR Lackey: What? I’ve heard your safe space speech like a billions times, so I was checking out reddit on my phone. Did I miss something?
Corporate HR Imam: The bombs are activated!
Corporate HR Lackey: No!
Trump Action Figure: Bankruptcy. Nothing wrong with that. A perfectly legitimate business model.
Corporate HR Imam: Yes! Get them back from the fodder. Just stop passing them out and take back the ones you already passed out before the orphans blow themselves up and you along with them! Go, go, go. If those orphans die, corporate will have your head on a spike, and you know I am speaking literally.
Corporate HR Lackey: I know. I know. Children are our future.
Corporate HR Imam: No, children are our weapons.
Hillary Clinton Doll: Bill’s attitudes toward women? Let me vag-splain it to you.
Corporate HR Imam: Better hurry it up. (grumbles to himself) I gotta stop hiring these stupid millennials from liberal arts colleges.
Corporate HR Lackey hurriedly chases down the action figures.
Corporate HR Imam: Everybody, let’s try and ignore the orphans and return our focus on trigger warnings.
(to be continued, maybe, if I feel like it)
Dream Land Part 1: Grandma and Papa’s House
Part 1 of 3.
The little house was built in the 1950s as part of a planned neighborhood. I don’t really know if my grandparents were the first ones to live there, but the house was less than four years old when they moved in. Grandma and Papa. That’s what we always called them. And that little house was Grandma and Papa’s house. It was truly a Dream Land for us grandchildren.
It was alway a treat to go there. Grandma and Papa always made us welcome. I don’t remember spending the night there a lot. The small house had two bedrooms, so there wasn’t a lot of room for the grandchildren to stay over. Still, just being there was a dream.
Christmas Eve was always spent at Grandma and Papa’s house. We got to open a present that night, and we went home all excited about what we got and what we dreamed we’d get the next morning.
Birthdays were always special at Grandma and Papa’s house. We always got a card and a dollar for every year of our age. In the 1960s, getting seven dollars for being seven years old was a treat.
Grandma and Papa had a little black and white TV when I was young. When we were there, we got to see the stuff they watched. Papa always watched the six o’clock news from channel 3 in Savannah: Dateline Savannah had the news, Cap’n Sandy gave the weather, and then there was sports. And, on weekends, there was Lawrence Welk (hated that), Porter Wagoner (hated it, except for Spec Rhodes), and the other stuff that old people watched.
In late 1967, my great-grandmother (Grandma’s mother, who we all called “Ma”) moved in part time. My great-grandfather (he was called “Pa”) died that Autumn, and Ma had to move out of the log cabin they had leased since the 1930s. She spent a couple of weeks at a time at each of her three daughters’ places. When she was a Grandma and Papa’s, she’d sit in a rocking chair with a can of snuff in her hand and watch Georgia Championship Wrestling.
Grandma and Papa were the first people I knew to get cable. Of course, when cable TV first came available there, it was the three stations in Savannah and three main ones from Jacksonville (yeah, duplicate network programming). Other than the six network channels (two of each major network) and a couple of PBS channels, there was a channel that showed the weather — actually, a camera rotating between a thermometer, a barometer, and a clock — and not much else. It was different. But, since it was at Grandma and Papa’s, it was special.
They got a new color TV, we grew up, but always went to Grandma and Papa’s when we could. Ma died in 1976, and it went back to Grandma and Papa’s house, though we had always called it that.
Papa’s health problems and heart condition caught up with him in 1979. After watching the Independence Day fireworks, he went to bed happy, and never woke up. He went to Dream Land, and stayed. And the little house became Grandma’s House.
Turn Your Head and… I Don’t Know… Sneeze?
A Florida teen was arrested after posing as a doctor and opening his own medical practice.
Although under Obamacare, that’s probably a best-case medical-care scenario for most of us.