Archive of entries posted on 20th February 2016
Why Won’t They Take My Word on This?
President Obama chastised government critics, saying “there are a bunch of folks who say that we’re wildly overspending, even though we aren’t.”
“Also, some people aren’t admiring my new clothes, when all the best people agree that they are the finest in the land.”
Link of the Day: Continuity – Not Gene Roddenberry’s Favorite Word
[High Praise! to Ars Technica]
Trek at 50: The quest for a unifying theory of time travel in Star Trek
This is a long essay, but I found it interesting and thought-provoking.
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
Hopefully, This Video Will Never Matter to You
I found it fascinating, but if you get bored and want to see how it comes out, skip to about 9 minutes and you can see the runway approach.
[How to Land a 737 (Nervous Passenger Edition)] (Viewer #831,166)
My only complaint is that the circles that highlight the control in question are sometimes hard to see unless you’re already looking at the right section of the control panel.
The Tell-Tale Sign
On the Ellen DeGeneres Show, President Obama lamented the “Twitter culture” in which people “expect quick answers without sacrifice”.
Ever notice that when someone demands “sacrifice”, they typically expect to be the ones collecting the sacrifices?
Probably Better Than Who He’ll Actually Nominate
I am continuing my rather lazy campaigning for Donald Trump here in addition to my two whole posts on my own blog. Why lazy? Because meh. I just can’t get too trumped up about anyone. See what I did there?
Look, Frank J obviously hates Donald Trump, maybe because Trump poked a hole in his bicycle tire when he was a kid, which is something Trump is known to do in response to a Twitter comment, and so I feel like I need to say something about that. He’s missing the whole point of Trump. Yes I get that so many of his supporters sound like Ron Paul! crazies, and there is probably a high probability that some of them are exactly the same people, but that is not a reason to not get behind Trump. I’ve said this several times elsewhere, but Trump is the nuclear option here folks.
Wait, better yet, he is the Nuke the Moon option. Do you nuke the Moon because it really needs to be nuked? No. The Moon doesn’t care. It’s just another crater as far as it’s concerned. You know, if it could be concerned about anything, which it isn’t because it’s just s stupid rock floating up there being stupid. You nuke the Moon because it’s a psychological tool. In Frank J’s brilliant-ish quasi-intelligent piece about nuking the Moon, he clearly demonstrates that it is a way for the US to get the world to take us seriously and respect us. While also looking crazy. But that is besides the point. Unless the point is that nobody messes with the really crazy dude in prison. Then that is entirely the point exactly.
Voting for Trump is the same thing. The difference is, it is getting the Republican party to be afraid of the voters. Does anyone but weird crazy Trumpeters think that the orange-crusted Donald Trump would be a wonderful president? No, of course not. I mean, he could be, but I wouldn’t lose money betting on it. There is a possibility he would gild the entire White House like his Manhattan apartment and make it look like an episode of the Jersey Shore and Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous crashed into each other and exploded, and consider that his legacy. But it is definitely nuking the Moon of politics. Or “nuking politics” you could say. I would say that, because that is sort of my thing.
So vote Trump. Because Carson is a soft-spoken kinda scientifically-challenged nut, Rubio, Bush, and Kasich are the same old crap, and Cruz is a pathological liar. And also because Trump scares pretty much everyone in power, everywhere. Even the Pope. I mean, the last presidential candidate that made the whole world happy to get elected was Obama. How’d that work out?