Kerry Has a Plan!

Secretary of State John Kerry met with the heads of several major Holloywood studios last week to talk about how to counter the ISIS narrative.

So… they’ll be doing a remake of “Wag the Dog“?


  1. Hmmm. Maybe if most movie terrorists weren’t white Westerners, ISIS wouldn’t hate them so much.

    Non-Stop Nonsense: Hollywood and Islamic Terrorism
    William Kilpatrick / March 11, 2014

    The Sum of All Fears is a 2002 thriller based on the Tom Clancy novel of the same name. In the book, Islamic terrorists detonate a nuclear bomb in Denver at the Super Bowl. In the movie, the terrorists are transformed into white supremacist neo-Nazis.

    The recently released film Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit depicts a terrorist sleeper cell in Dearborn, Michigan which aims to detonate a nuclear bomb under Wall Street. Dearborn, which is home to the largest mosque in North America, has the highest concentration of Muslims per capita of any U.S. city. It is jokingly referred to as “Dearbornistan.” You would expect, therefore, that if there were a sleeper cell of terrorists in Dearborn, some of them might be Muslims. Uh-uh. In the film, the terrorists are Russian Orthodox Christians operating out of a Russian Orthodox Church. That may seem odd, but once you remember that Hollywood has the highest per capita concentration of politically correct panderers, it all makes sense.

    Non-Stop is a newly released action-thriller about an unidentified terrorist on board a trans-Atlantic flight who begins to murder one passenger every twenty minutes. When the terrorist is finally identified and dispatched before he can blow up the plane, he turns out to be—are you ready?—an American combat veteran. Not only that, but an American vet who lost his father in the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and therefore has an urgent need to wake up Americans to the lack of security at airports.

    An interesting sidelight to the story is that one of the initial suspects is a Muslim doctor wearing Muslim garb and a full beard. As it turns out, he is one of the heroes. He tends to the dying and lends a hand to the air marshal protagonist (played by Liam Neeson). Why such an obvious red herring? Probably so the filmmakers can play “gotcha” with the rubes in the audience who are so unsophisticated as to think that a Muslim—let alone a Muslim doctor—could possibly be a terrorist. Never mind that in the real world, some of the planet’s most notorious terrorists are Muslim doctors. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the head of al-Qaeda, is a doctor who was once a professor of surgery. Major Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood killer, is a doctor, and so also is Bashar al-Assad, who was an ophthalmologist before taking over the reins in Syria. Bilal Abdullah, the ringleader of the 2007 terrorist attack at Glasgow International Airport, was a doctor, as were three of the other suspects arrested in connection with the attack. That, of course, proves nothing as far as the majority of Muslim doctors are concerned. But neither does the presence of the noble Muslim doctor on board the Non-Stop flight . . .

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