Little known fact: Miss Munro was once the wench of an Italian Pirate whom she robbed and buried his treasure, which is now her treasure, somewhere in the middle of the Sahara and never could find it again. How do you say “ARRGH” with an Italian accent anyway?
Little known fact: Miss Munro was once the wench of an Italian Pirate whom she robbed and buried his treasure, which is now her treasure, somewhere in the middle of the Sahara and never could find it again. How do you say “ARRGH” with an Italian accent anyway?
Excellent…and I just envisioned the Godfather Brando saying that. Everyone who reads this will envision it and it
..can’t be avoided.
That’s a . . . heck of an outfit.
She showed it off, and took it off, in PIRATES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN.
I’m calling shenanigans.