There seems to be a number of so called Republicans who are cautioning about attacking Iraq. They don’t want us to be “unilateral.” Come on; America is the good guys and there is no reason for us to just stand around while bad guys frolic about. Did Batman wait to get permission from the police before he went after the Joker so he wouldn’t appear to be “unilateral.” Hell no. Anyway, everyday that Saddam isn’t assassinated, baby Jesus cries.
this is the natural order of things
just like lions eating their young, so are the worlds politicians eating the peoples freedom
I don’t believe us goign to war was right at all. And then we make a deck of cards diplaying the “bad guys” and the “heros” of this war. Has the world turned into young children??? A deck of playing cards is just plain stupid. And whatever “American-Patriot” thought of this idea needs to sit back and think a bit about how many young children, men, and women in Iraq died because of the US government.
Give me info for my social studies report
“how many young children, men, and women in Iraq died because of the US government.”
What kind of an idiotic statement is that? I’m not so blind as to say there haven’t been any innocent Iraqi casualties, but if I understand correctly you’re trying to say the collateral damage caused by this war is worse than what Saddam’s regime did to the Iraqi people?
How many women and children did Americans rape in Baghdad? The tales about Saddam’s sons are well known. Did we starve, torture, and mutilate political prisoners (who generally hadn’t done anything worse than speak out against the regime)? Gitmo is a pleasure palace compared to Saddam’s prisons. Did we gas a portion of the populace just for being ethnically different? Why don’t you ask the Kurds about that. And how many people did we drop feet-first (or any other way) into industrial shredders just for the fun of hearing them scream? Do you consider that fun? I don’t. Saddam does. ‘Nuff said.
I’m saddened when I think of the innocent Iraqis who died as a result of our campaign to rid the world of Saddam, but if my death could prevent my sister and mother from being raped, my brother from being tortured and starved to death, and my father from being shredded alive, I’d gladly do it. And I have a strong suspicion that each of the innocent Iraqis who died feels the same way.
And as for the culpable Iraqis? Death is too good for them.