Iranian Missile Command

A lot of people are getting concerned about the daily announcements of nuclear weapons research, guided missiles, radar-avoiding missiles, flying invisible boats, and super-cavitating torpedoes coming out of the Islamic Republic of Iran these days. Thank goodness that we’ve got the largest and best-equipped military in all the world, right?
Well, maybe not. Iran is letting the Zionist-controlled world know that they won’t be as easy of a pushover as Saddam was in 2003:

“The missile command of the Guards’ naval force … via positioning various types of surface-to-sea missiles, is able, while defending the coastlines and islands, to confront any extra-territorial invasion,” the official Islamic Republic News Agency quoted Safavi as saying.

This begs the question: What does the Iranian Missile Command look like, anyway?

Thanks to Top Secret Zionist IMAO Spy Shlomo Ben-Kevin, we now have exclusive photos of Iranian Missile Command:

And if you’re wondering what the smartbombs look like, a certain Danish cartoon of Mohammed with a bomb in a turban should give you a clue.


  1. Frankly, I remember E.T. as a plant-loving, M&M eating, gentle creature who wouldn’t harm a soul, who liked to kick back occasionally with a few beers. What makes them think he’d want to invade Iran?

  2. “Iranian Missile Command” is so excellent I can barely stand it. Thank you very much. I am so gonna copy it and steal it and distribute it. As if I knew how to do that.
    Thanks again.

  3. what a waste of bytes.
    Go to Iran if you have some real guts and check it out yourself. Iranian are the most caring, hospitable people out of 30 countries I visited. Not warloving animals like you guys!

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