A lot of people are getting concerned about the daily announcements of nuclear weapons research, guided missiles, radar-avoiding missiles, flying invisible boats, and super-cavitating torpedoes coming out of the Islamic Republic of Iran these days. Thank goodness that we’ve got the largest and best-equipped military in all the world, right?
Well, maybe not. Iran is letting the Zionist-controlled world know that they won’t be as easy of a pushover as Saddam was in 2003:
“The missile command of the Guards’ naval force … via positioning various types of surface-to-sea missiles, is able, while defending the coastlines and islands, to confront any extra-territorial invasion,” the official Islamic Republic News Agency quoted Safavi as saying.
This begs the question: What does the Iranian Missile Command look like, anyway?
Thanks to Top Secret Zionist IMAO Spy Shlomo Ben-Kevin, we now have exclusive photos of Iranian Missile Command:
And if you’re wondering what the smartbombs look like, a certain Danish cartoon of Mohammed with a bomb in a turban should give you a clue.
And when I first saw “extra-territorial” I read it as “extraterrestrial”!
I would play that game.
Second! Er, third!
I’ve got to go dig out my Atari.
Frankly, I remember E.T. as a plant-loving, M&M eating, gentle creature who wouldn’t harm a soul, who liked to kick back occasionally with a few beers. What makes them think he’d want to invade Iran?
“ET, phone hamas.”
“All your falafel are belong to us”
“Mars needs women….oh…covered in burkas? Never mind.”
Bobson, ET did not eat M&M’s. Mars refused to supply them to the set free – so they used Reises Pieces instead. Reises had 2200% increase in sales.
And Richard R. had a 112% increase in words spelled correctly.
I notice that they didn’t even get off a defensive missile. They must have been too busy molesting goats….I mean, praying.
Oh, man. Priceless!!
You should see what they can do to hemmorh(aster)oids.
Shouldn’t they have taken out the missile launchers first?
The two cities are destroyed, but the three missile sites are still intact.
“Iranian Missile Command” is so excellent I can barely stand it. Thank you very much. I am so gonna copy it and steal it and distribute it. As if I knew how to do that.
Thanks again.
Richard R apparently didn’t read the book either. In the book they were, in fact, M&Ms.
In the E.T. Manga, they were crunchy frogs.
what a waste of bytes.
Go to Iran if you have some real guts and check it out yourself. Iranian are the most caring, hospitable people out of 30 countries I visited. Not warloving animals like you guys!
Yeah! So *thhbbbt** on you, you mean ol’ Americans!
A: this is humor so lighten up
B: were they caring and hospitable to our embassy staff when they took them hostage?