Do you not know or do you not care that some of us may be eating while looking for teh funny? Please give a guy some warning for pictures that may induce vomitting.
I hear Helen Thomas can crush a beer can with her butt cheeks! Do you not know or do you not care that some of us may be eating
Speaking of that, I would pity the poor fool who would attempt to carpet-munch the old gal…
Oy! My eyes!
Well, at least she finally shaved her chest….
That’s nothin’.
I hear Helen Thomas can crush a beer can with her butt cheeks!
I’ll never recover from this posting…never…ever…
Do you not know or do you not care that some of us may be eating while looking for teh funny? Please give a guy some warning for pictures that may induce vomitting.
That’s just plain scary!
I was kinda impressed.
That’s still less traumatizing than Reuters’ recent textual BJ puff piece on Ted Kennedy. X.x
gouges eyes out with rusty spork
AHHHHHH! I think I just went blind!!!!
I hear Helen Thomas can crush a beer can with her butt cheeks!
Do you not know or do you not care that some of us may be eating
Speaking of that, I would pity the poor fool who would attempt to carpet-munch the old gal…
Please don’t take this wrong but you, Cadet Happy are a truly deranged individual. Gifted, hysterical, talented but truly deranged.
mmmmmmmm! hummina hummina hummina!!!
oh baby!
Oh come on, now. Does kicking a drunken, passed-out Ted Kennedy off of you really qualify as leg-pressing 400 lbs.? I think not.
Hey cadet. Are you getting kickbacks from the optomitrist union for all the eye troubles you cause? If not, you should be.
What was the picture about? I only got a glimpse before I was struck blind.
I’m typing from memory feeling the locating dots on the keyboard….
Well if Madeline Halfbright can leg press that much weight then she can truly be called “Thunder Thighs.”
You too could leg press 400 pounds if you had to tote around that big butt of hers.