Is Hillary a Muslim? — Part II — Vindication

Several days ago, I broke a story about Hillary being photographed in a burka. I dared anyone to prove me wrong, not anticipating that new technology might actually prove me right.
You know you want to.

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The Rise and Fall of The Third Pike

Field Marshal Herring announces Germans to blast fish into space
UPDATE: improvements via bunkerboy and FMH

Controversial endorsement . . .

Although the Dallas Cowboys were once known as “America’s Team”, I think that is an antiquated notion that belongs in the dustbin of history. Why root for a team that has already won so many Super Bowls, when far more deserving teams deserve our support. Thus, after careful consideration, I have decided to come out and endorse the New York Giants in the playoff game tomorrow against the Cowboys. I do so not because I am a fan of the Giants, but because I think the real team of destiny this year, the Green Bay Packers, deserve a home game in the NFC championship next weekend. What better way to cap a brilliant career for Brett Favre (who has broken more records this year than the highly overrated Tom Brady), than for a final trip to the Super Bowl. That dream (shared by all true NFL fans like me) is much more likely to come true if Green Bay is not forced to go into the shabby Texas Stadium to play the Cowlboys next week. As you may recall, Green Bay narrowly lost there earlier this year only because Favre was knocked out of the game due to a cheap shot by a Cowboy defensive player. No doubt, if the Cowboys had not cheated (it brings to mind when the Dallas Stars stole the Stanley Cup), Favre would have lead his team to victory and they would be hosting the game next week. So, to sum up, put on your cheese hats, and get down on your knees to beg the football gods to lead the Giants to victory tomorrow, and humiliating defeat next week in Lambeau Field.
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UPDATE: Thank the Heavens for Turkey Romo and Joe Simpson’s loins!

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New in the IMAO store . . .

Just in time for X-mas–limited edition IMAO T-Shirt Babe Nutcracker.

Parnoid Itchy-Scratchy Crawly


His and Hers

via Frank


The biggest on-field question surrounding Bonds this season is whether he will hit the 22 home runs he needs to break Hank Aaron’s career home run mark of 755. Bonds said he didn’t know if Aaron would be on hand if he’s in position to break the record and wasn’t about to predict when that milestone homer might come.
“I just want to do it. Period,” he said.
Bonds said he would have probably broken Aaron’s mark if not for the knee injuries that limited him to 14 games in 2005 and slowed him down for much of last season as well.

Fun Trivia

Identify the Janus-faced pig:

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Unintentionally funny . . .

Why is the MSM going apoplectic over the firing of nine U.S. Attorneys (who serve entirely at the President’s discretion), when President Clinton fired 93 of them in one fell swoop when he went into office for no reason other than that they were appointed by Republican Presidents?
ABC refuses to acknowledge Clinton’s mass firings at all, while NPR has “experts” on who lie about it.

Happy Pi Day

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Wow, this posting thing really isn’t that difficult . . .

I don’t know what Frank is always complaining about . . .

You chose . . . poorly.

I’m sorry to tell you this Rachel, but you will not be a Jedi or the next Dalai Lama . . .
Additional info concerning the visit here.

Anna Nicole Smith to Appear in May 2007 Playboy Spread

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Hoping to capitalize on the press feeding frenzy surrounding Anna Nicole Smith’s untimely death, publisher Hugh Hefner announced Thursday that the deceased starlet will appear in the May 2007 edition of Playboy magazine. Hefner indicated that Smith’s body will be flown to Los Angeles over the weekend, where it will be posed in a series of tasteful nude beach and horseback riding shots . “We are proud to celebrate Anna Nicole’s life, and death, in the pages of our gentleman’s magazine,” stated Hefner.
Sources close to the deceased starlet have also indicated that plans are in the works for the release of an album of posthumous duets with Tupac Shakur. It is expected that Smith’s body will make a 40 city concert tour supporting the album this summer. “With any luck, and with proper refrigeration, I hope we can put off burial until at least mid-2008,” announced Smith’s attorney and common law husband Howard K. Stern.

Increase your energy consumption now, my back can’t take all this shoveling!

This is the most it has snowed in the fifteen years I have lived in the Twin Cities. Therefore, it must be due to something man did. In all likelihood, it was caused by your efforts to cut energy consumption, thereby lessening the effects of global warming. I might be wrong, but can we really afford to take the risk that I am? Turn all the lights on in your home and office, remove the catalytic converter from your vehicle, call up your private jet, and go outside and start burning garbage. Our children are counting on you.

And to think, just a few days ago we were sitting outside enjoying that 80 degree Orlando heat . . .

Continue reading ‘Increase your energy consumption now, my back can’t take all this shoveling!’ »