By now you have probably heard about the latest ‘rebuke’ to the Bush Administration. This was a ‘major setback’ for Dubya as the Supremem Court said that he ‘overstepped his bounds’ when he tried to hold military tribunals to seek punishment against these detainees.
So must we let these people go? Of course not. We can keep them throughout the War On Terror, we just can’t prosecute them.
Don’t be.
Here are
The Top Ten Things That Will Change at GITMO As A Result Of The SCOTUS Ruling.
10. Nothing.
9. Nothing
8. Nothing
7. Nothing
6. Nothing
5. Nothing
4. Nothing
3. Nothing
2. Nothing
And the Numberr ONE thing that will change for the GITMO detainees as a result of the SCOTUS ruling…
Deep, man. Real deep.
The number one thing that will change for terrorists not at Guantanamo is that they will no longer be taken prisoner; rather, they will be shot on sight. Anything else would be foolish.
Yep. You’re absolutely right. Nothing will change. The rest of the world will still look at what you lot are up to in Guantanamo and see it as the perfect example of what you yanks are really all about. Illegal detention without trial, charges, access to legal representation. And you want to tear round the world telling everyone else how to live! Politicians, religeous leaders, journalists and members of the public from all over want you to close it and you ignore them. Is there any wonder the rest of the world hates you. And all you can think of doing is dropping bombs on anyone who disagrees with you. Still. It’s the easy option isn’t it. Wouldn’t want you fat lazy yanks actually putting some effort into something. As Adley Stevenson once said ‘It’s far easier to fight for your principles than to live up to them.’
So keep it up girls so we can all see what you’re like.
Thanks for your opinion, Amazed Brit. Unfortunately it is invalid as you are a foreigner.
Keep reading IMAO!!
If Amazed Brit wasn’t so lazy he’d be an American. Only the trash gets left behind.
Um, Brit… these people are not CRIMINALS you wanker. They are terrorists. They are killers tied to no army, no nation, no governing body. So shut your mouth you whinging little pillock and count your blessings that big old bad America made it possible for you to NOT need to know German.
It seems to be that any whiny-assed brit is just pissed that we beat them in the World Power game and are licking the festering wound that their country, minus Blair and any of the Tories, has become. Try getting you NHS to see to that will you? And see if they’ll treat your paranoia or spring for your Sex Change operation you nancy.
So these people are terrorists are they. There’s still a couple of Brits in there but the vast majority of british ‘enemy combatants’ (oh you crazy yanks, you crack me up!) have been let out, no charge, not a single one. Not a scrap of evidence against them. None. And I’m guessing the same is true of a lot of them. If they’re terrorists, charge them, convict them, and lock them up. You’re basically not allowed to just jump to the last one. Or have you not read your own rule book. Check it out sometime, you may then start to know what you’re talking about.
And if you lot hadn’t created, armed and funded Al Queda when they were fighting the Russians you might not be so scared by the big nasty bogeymen you call terrorists. Do you check under the bed at night before you go to sleep to see if there’s a terrorist there?
“It’s far easier to fight for your principles than to live up to them.”
If you don’t fight for your principles, then you die for someone else’s. I remember what happened on 9/11, and am rather disappointed that Brits are forgetting 7/7.
Maybe our Amazingly DimBrit should find someone of his aquaintance who can read to him of the British exploits during the Sepoy rebellion and how they handled the butchers of Cawnpore. I happen to agree with them.
This was when your empire had men and not so many ‘nadless eunuchs such as yourself constantly whining about a world in which they are mere sheep
I realy don’t see the problem with getting rid of GITMO. Hussle these bastards on to C130s and drop them to there new facilities. Albiet from 50k feet sans parachute. Problem solved.
Or maybe change their designation from Muslim to Branch-Davidian, then no one would care about any rights what so ever. Also, since they were trying to commit suicide, shouldn’t the Terry Schiavo decision prevail here too.
“Takin’ out the trash!”
Amazed Brit says,
“So these people are terrorists are they. There’s still a couple of Brits in there but the vast majority of british ‘enemy combatants’ (oh you crazy yanks, you crack me up!) have been let out, no charge, not a single one. Not a scrap of evidence against them. None. And I’m guessing the same is true of a lot of them. If they’re terrorists, charge them, convict them, and lock them up. You’re basically not allowed to just jump to the last one. Or have you not read your own rule book. Check it out sometime, you may then start to know what you’re talking about.”
LOL, you lefties always leave out the crucial fact that the Geneva Conventions offer no protection to terrorists. We don’t need to try them according to the Conventions, we can detain or even shoot them. If you read your Keegan, you’d have known that we shot German saboteurs and infiltrators who dressed in American uniforms.
“And if you lot hadn’t created, armed and funded Al Queda when they were fighting the Russians you might not be so scared by the big nasty bogeymen you call terrorists. Do you check under the bed at night before you go to sleep to see if there’s a terrorist there?”
Now don’t be silly. We lock them up in Gitmo, where they experience the terrifying shock of three healthy meals a day, free medical, free dental, prayer kits, ac, movies, a 3000 book library (including infidel staples like Harry Potter *gasp) to aid in their worship of maiming the innocent.