Due to a bleeding dog (she’s okay, but her head is wrapped up like she just had brain surgery even though the only thing bleeding was her ear), I didn’t have time to edit the next part of Hellbender (yes, I do attempt to edit them), so the story will continue Monday. If you don’t like Hellbender, then you will be unaffected by this announcement.
Now stay tuned for IMAO’s regular weekend programming.
Archive of entries posted on 21st March 2008
McCain Locks Mother in Attic for Her Personal Attack Against Obama
Following the suspension of staffer for linking to a YouTube video critical of Obama, Senator John McCain has reportedly locked his mother in the attic for stating to visitors, “I don’t like how Obama dragged his poor grandma into this.”
“That is a personal attack,” McCain explained to reporters. “And personal attacks have no place in my campaign. Thus, I have locked my mother in the attic with no food so she can think of what she’s done.”
McCain’s mother is ninety-five years old — almost as old as John McCain himself. She was unavailable for comment due to her being locked in an attic.
Truthy Scienterrific Factoid!
Researchers at Duke University subjected participants to subliminal images of the iconic Apple and IBM logos (during what subjects thought was a visual acuity test), and those who were shown the Apple logo generated more creative ideas after the test than did those who were shown the IBM logo.
[Hat tip: Jim]
Which brings up the obvious question – What effect does this logo have on people?
My answers in the extended entry, yours in comments, please.
IMAO Public Service Announcement: Look Out for Barack Obama Identity Theft
Since Barack Obama had his passport data illegally accessed, he is at risk for identity theft. If someone purchases something from you with a credit card and claims to be Barack Obama, it would be a good idea to do some extra checks on his identity by asking a few more questions to confirm he is who he says he is:
QUESTION #1: What is your middle name?
CORRECT ANSWER: “It’s racist to even bring that up.”
QUESTION #2: How would you describe your grandma?
CORRECT ANSWER: “Typical white person.”
QUESTION #3: If you found out someone is a hateful bigot, how quickly should you cut ties with him?
CORRECT ANSWER: “Within twenty years.”
QUESTION #4: I will say a series of words, and I want you to say the first thing that comes to mind with each. [Say five random words, waiting for a response for each.]
CORRECT ANSWER: He should answer “hope” or “change” no matter what the words.
Next, ask him a series of questions about foreign affairs. If he’s the real Barack Obama, he should have no idea what you’re talking about.
Also, make sure he is not wearing a flag pin, as that would immediately identify an impostor.
Obama Can’t Denouce My Idea Anymore Than He Can Denounce All White People (That’s His Pastor’s Job)
I was thinking my Obama ’08 logo from yesterday is actually pretty awesome. If we printed up a bunch of those as stickers and put them everywhere, the liberals would be crying racism (though they wouldn’t be sure by and against who) and it would be hilarious.
Anyway, here are some other ones for variety:

I think this is one people can get behind. Even if someone doesn’t agree with all of it, it’s mostly very forward-looking and positive.

Again, not everyone will agree with the entire message, but they’ll recognize how positive it is about the future and respond to that.
I kid, though. Obama has a number of unique risks as a candidate as his wife mentioned in a 60 Minutes interview in February of last year:
KROFT: This is a tough question to ask, but a number of years ago, Colin Powell was thinking about running for president, and his wife, Alma, really did not want him to run.
KROFT: She was worried about some crazy person with a gun.
KROFT: Is that something that you think about?
MICHELLE OBAMA: I don’t lose sleep over it, because the realities are that, you know, as a black man, you know, Barack can just be going to the gas station and get infected by a virus made in a government lab by white people to kill minorities, you know. So, you know, you can’t — you know, you can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen. We just weren’t raised that way.