Kos of the crazy hate site the Daily Kos has accused Hillary of making Obama blacker. Originally, some people suggested that Obama isn’t black enough, but now Hillary has made him too black. Let this be a lesson to you: Hillary darkens everything she touches.
Other lesson: Kos is craaaazy.
Little Green Footballs has an animated gif illustrating this outrage. Stop making Obama black, people!
Archive of entries posted on 5th March 2008
Vt. Town Votes on Bush ‘Indictment’
BRATTLEBORO, Vt. (AP) — Voters in this southern Vermont town decided Tuesday to approve a measure calling for the indictment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney on charges of violating the Constitution.
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The symbolic article seeks to have police arrest Bush and Cheney if they ever visit Brattleboro or to extradite them for prosecution elsewhere — if they’re not impeached first.
“Our town attorney has no legal authority to draw up any papers to allow our police officers to do so,” said Town Clerk Annette Cappy, “but the gentleman who initiated the petition got the signatures (and) wanted it on the ballot to make a statement.”
Other statements recently approved by Brattleboro include “freedom is slavery”, “ignorance is strength”, and “black is white”, the latter being a possible explanation for Obama’s strong showing in the heavily caucasion Vermont primaries.
Kurt Daims, who organized the petition drive, praised the power of Vermont ballot initiatives. “Five years ago, we passed a measure outlawing moose attacks. Haven’t had one since. Or ever before, now that I think about it. Anyway, next year I plan to start a petition to enforce President Obama’s policy of never having gone to Iraq in the first place. Or – if he loses the election even though he’s white now – the petition will declare him President provided that he makes Brattleboro the new capital of the US. Which he will, since the ballot measure will declare that, too.”
Local residents are not surprised by the outcome of the voting. “I used to think Daims was some sort of a kook,” said town-charter-mandated token conservative Barbara Southworth, “but after the success of last year’s ‘Kurt Daims is not a tie-dyed, granola-munching, ponytailed, neo-hippie post-Marxist with a Peter Pan complex and delusions of godhood or a kook, either’ initiative, I have to admit that he’s actually got some pretty good ideas. If I didn’t, they’d throw me in jail.”
Are the Democrats Gunning the Engine on a Rudderless Boat?
For all the talk about the Democrats having more enthusiasm than Republicans, Republican still seem to be quite a bit more focused. We know what we want — to win in Iraq and continue to kill terrorists — and McCain, though not a favorite of conservatives, is the perfect candidate to that goal. What do Democrats want? They don’t want President Bush, but he’ll be gone next year no matter who is elected. They want out of Iraq, but no one knows how to do that and they’re not dumb enough to do a sudden withdrawal even if things weren’t going well right now. They want a better economy, but the only idea for that so far is more taxes on the rich. Basically, they want hope and change and don’t have any solid ideas of what to do.
It looks like all these years of BDS has left them pretty clueless.
An Idea for Obama
If Obama despises America, maybe he should put out a list of what we need to change so he’ll like us. I heard he did basically the same thing in giving his children a list of what they needed to change about themselves so he’d love them again.
So what do you think is on the list? Be nicer to Iran? Less honkeys?
Why Won’t Obama Love Us?
“And if that child should ever get the chance to travel the world and someone should ask her where is she from, we believe that she should always be able to hold her head high with pride in her voice when she answers, ‘I am an American.’
“That is the course we seek. That is the change we are calling for.”
He wants to change it so people can be proud of America? I think he and his wife have a meme going now. We all know liberals despise America, but it’s a rookie mistake to say it out loud. Bad, Obama. Bad.