Reading HuffPo Makes Me Giggle in My Head

Hard to say exactly.
Maybe it’s the way they ooze smug from every self-important pore.
Or maybe it’s the condescending tone of absolute moral authority.
All I know is that if HuffPo were a right wing blog, it would read exactly like IMAO, except they’d mean every word.
Anyway, here’s some steaming piles of Po, and me laughing at them:

“The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side. Oh joy! Rapture! I got a brain!”

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Iraq invasion and occupation has been the administration’s — and mainly the president’s — predictably awful and irresponsible habit of placing the burden of the success or failure of this thing squarely on the shoulders of an already overburdened military.”

Obviously pissed that it’s been mostly success.

As we mark the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war, the most troubling fact, in a long and tragic list of troubling facts, is that we already know there will be a sixth anniversary.”

Yes, calendars are, indeed, troubling that way.

Through our continued presence in Iraq, we are compromising our key security partnerships and joint security initiatives in the places where they matter the most.

If by “compromising our key security partnerships and joint security initiatives” you mean “killing terrorists”, I agree.

Obama did more than talk about race. He began to build a progressive narrative”

Don’t Penn & Teller have a series on Showtime called “Building a Progessive Narrative!“?

It may be easier to endlessly replay the latest gaffe from a candidate than to take your camera outside the Green Zone. But news of the ongoing wars shouldn’t fall by the wayside.

“More ‘America is losing’ stories, please”.

Would Barack Obama be any different as our 44th president, responding to domestic and international crises with just as much grace, power and erudition as he has already shown?

Good: Grace, power and erudition.
Better: Hellfire missiles.


  1. The comment about the green zone is ironic, given that the liberal media is the one in the green zone while conservative bloggers are out with the troops.
    I’m afraid of Obama showing just as much grace, power, and erudition as he’s already shown…
    Though to be honest, if his mesmerizing voice works on our enemies like it works on liberals (both obviously weak-minded), he might have some use. He should probably be UN ambassador or something.

  2. “The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side. Oh joy! Rapture! I got a brain!”
    Right triangle, not isosceles!
    I know it’s a Quote, but the Wizard of Oz got it wrong, too.

  3. The positive square root of the sum of the squares of two sides of a right triangle equals the hypotenuse (the long side). Everyone in Hollywood has gotten this one wrong for years. Kinda funny, actually.

  4. “As we mark the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war, the most troubling fact, in a long and tragic list of troubling facts, is that we already know there will be a sixth anniversary.”

    That’s exactly how I felt last September when it was Arianna’s 97th bithday.

  5. Harvey, I hope you keep laughing and relaying your reactions to us with that tongue-in-cheek style of yours. ‘Cause I just can’t read sites like HuffPo. Some kind of blood pressure anomaly, I think.
    But I really like all the Iraq war video blogs. You know, the ones with the radio chatter in the background as you watch the laser targeting system guide smart weapons toward granting Islamists the 72 virgins they so desire…
    Just giving ’em what they want so lowers my BP.

  6. Jimmy: those 72 virgins you mention? I have it on good authority they all have prison records and look like they play offensive line for the Vikings.
    Just don’t tell the splodeydopes. I’d hate to wreck the surprise.
    – Keith

  7. Praise! I have seen the uh LIGHT!
    The audacity! The negligence! The absolute evil uncaringness of the president to place the burden of a INVASION AND OCCUPATION on on the MILITARY!
    Everyone knows the Military wasnt designed to handle Invasions and Occupations! Au contrare mon frar.. they are in the business of peace keeping!
    And, and do you know why its so easy for the president to place this burden so unfairly on this obviously unqualified and overworked entity? Cause most of the military is made up of NON WHITEYS! Thats right! The real reason the president did this was just to keep us DOWN!
    Now get out there and KILL WHITEY! Or rob a bank, or do some crack, or shoot a college student and steal her SUV, anything to show your discontent with the MAN.

  8. Just giving ’em what they want so lowers my BP. — Jimmy #13

    We’re Americans. We’re the most generous nation on the planet. Giving is what we do. 🙂
    (I really should start using the “Preview” functionality…

  9. It seems my technology is smarter than I am…
    I tried going to the ‘huffington post’ once, my PC locked up. Very similar to the effect a rap CD had on my boombox, at least the pc didn’t catch fire.

  10. Caution— Rant:
    I been thinking about this lately. My parents, God bless them were really prejudiced. Still they taught me to judge people by what they do and how they act not by the color of their skin.
    I have tried throughout my life to take the good and leave the rest. I’ve tried to judge people on the basis of what they do, not how they look but do you know what that has gotten me. Nothing!
    Well not really nothing, because I’m white I’ve been called racist, bigoted, evil, manipulative and cruel. I am responsible for the bad decisions made by people I’ve never seen and who will never see me. My morals, my culture, my mores are under constant attack from people who call their own the “N word” ho’s and #%ches. I’ve raised my children to take people on their own merits and seen them passed over for “minorities” who don’t have the talents or drive but their skins the right color or they speak the right language.
    So I think I’m done. If all white people are the same then all minorities are the same. If some of them are criminals, they’re all criminals (we just haven’t caught them yet). If some black men are violent rapists looking for a victim to abuse all black, men are the same. If some minority women are lazy, slatternly, goof offs then they all are.
    If reparations should be paid to blacks for slavery, I’m getting in line, Great Britain owes my family millions for the years they tried to starve the Irish to death, not to mention the land taken away from them, the Scots and Welsh (all of which I have as ancestors).
    Fact is all people are not anything. There are as many different kinds of people as there are sands in the sea. Good bad and every flavor in between. But that doesn’t sell papers or fill stadiums. Barak Obama and his pastor are racists of the worse kind. The are just as bad as the KKK. They pretend to be good but inside they are a putrid, pile of prepubescent pus. With a cherry on top.

  11. seanmahair,
    Yeah, well, several people have told me I should have a late night radio talk show – even a “sex hotline” – just on the sound of my voice alone.
    You on the other hand, have “moral authority.”
    (sigh) Celtic women.
    PS: Harvey is right. Your perspective on things is always worth reading. See, aren’t you glad you didn’t go away during the troll wars? ~Jim

  12. “As we mark the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war, the most troubling fact, in a long and tragic list of troubling facts, is that we already know there will be a sixth anniversary.”
    That’s just as bad as all the Bush quotes (though actually that sounds more like a Dan Quayle).
    For those of you who didn’t catch it, even after Harvey’s comment (I almost didn’t): an anniversary of something happening doesn’t mean it’s still going on.

  13. Jim,
    You, dear man, are one of the reasons I relented. That and you know Celtic women, especially of the Irish variety, just love to give their opinions on anything, at anytime, to anybody. Still, I enjoy the give and take most of the time. It is only when someone is being deliberately cruel or abusing the sacred that I get incendiary.
    Be well and keep safe.

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