
aww po dum stoopid neocon heelbilly jues. evreeone hate u all now and vote aganst u. no wun likes u. no wun ever going to vote for dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues like boosh evar again now dey hav obama. u very sad.

well doo not wurry. now leebrals in charge and dey will take care of u better dan ur dum stoopid selves ever cood. dey will use reedistreebooshun too make sure everee wun is eequal. u hate eequal dont u u dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues? but it not bad. i explain to u.

when sum wun have too much we reedistreeboot to those weeth less. for exampul u all hav so many eyeballs but my mouth has so few. so we weel need too make everee wun eequal by redistreebooting ur eyes to my mouth. in utter words


but doo not wurry dum stoopids. reedisteebooshun works both ways. aftur i eet ur eyeballs i weel have an excess of poo maid from eyeballs while u weel hav nun. so i weel reedisteeboot dat bak to u. in utter words


so doo nut wurry dum stoopid heelbilly neco jues. u weel bee much better off covered in poo maid frum ur own eyeballs because u weel be ruled bai smart peepul like obama instead of dum stoopids everee wun hate laik palin. everee wun hate dum stoopids now like her and u. but u weel always hav a place in new sosighity as long as u hav eyeballs. so make shure u keep ur eyeballs clean cum janurary 20



  1. Thanks, Basil. This increased erudition indiscriminately benefiting us continues the upward direction this site has heretofore monotonically commenced and executed. Seminally introducing such metaphorical wonders upon a grateful readership, your magnanimous gift, so lavishly dressed and wrapped in glorious prose, will not go unrewarded.

  2. In an exciting press release today Scary Evil Monkey will now be “Under Secretary” to newly appointed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton! Scary Evil Monkey will literally be my “Under Secretary”, said a giddy Hillary. He will spend his time under my desk where it is anticipated that he will have both his hands and his mouth full 24/7! Please join me in congratulating SEM on his new “position”!!!

  3. Ahh…it’s good to see that paragon of liberal thought and erudition back. Welcome back, Scary Evil Monkey!

    Well, in all fairness y’all have to admit his screeds are more literate and gooder spellified than most of the trolls that we get here. 😀

  4. I don’t think we’re done with this Scary Evil Monkey poo! I’m gonna scoop it up and throw it right back at him/her (now, that’s an interesting possibility – the “her” part). That’s it! Scary Evil Monkey is FEMALE. Hahahahahaha! Cadet Happy? (I’ve always been confused by this.)

  5. (Thhhhp…..Cough! Cough!)
    Oh, wow, man. Rite f***ing on, litle monkey dude. U r so rite about f***ing rethuglcans. Theyr so stuped. F***ing ruthugs r so stuped…because…
    (Thhhp…Cough! Cough!)
    ..thr so stupid! F*** yah! They r al nuckl dragging redneck KKK membrz ho hate homerseptuals and cling to guns and religin. Whut a bunch of uninligtned f***ing moorons! Christins are so f***ing stuped! Evry 1 nows that we liberals are th smartest peopl!
    (Thhhhp…Cough! Cough! Hack! Cough!)
    Oh, wow! Butt now that r mussia iz taking ofice, thre wil be nothing but ranbows and sunshin. R nu leader wull bring paradise on gaia…no mor evel oil…just wind and electrik powr. No nooks! Muslems will stope bombing us…just the evel joos ho desrve it 4 steeling Areb land! The world wull now luv us! Osama wil pay mi rent and increse mi welfar pay…uhh..wages. R golrius leder wul leguliz mara…mara…the s**t i’m smoking! F*** ya! 2 bud u stuped repulicins didnt hav cool tin foil hats that kept out th evel milatrry mind control reys that we demokrats had. It’s the f***ing miltaqry ful of baby killrs that mad u vot 4 that stuped Mccane and that f***ing hore Palen.
    (Thhhp….Cough! Cough! Cough!)
    Hale to r nu leder! Obrman and O donnll tell the truth! Holywud peple tell it lik it iz! Tanks 4 telling off those stuped f***ing conservtivs! Bake 2 commenting on 911 truh and hate amerika videos on youtube…

    Commander Moonbeam signing off from Mom’s basement….I mean…Obama base, Zeta Reticuli.

  6. Jimmy – A wolf in grandma clothing? Well then. maybe you’ll be able to turn the tables when SCE comes around for your eyeball redistrabooooshunn.
    Ozmot got me looking, and I think I finally found SCE’s breed (genus?). At first, his misshapen head made me look to marmosets. Then I looked to the “but-monkey” of Laura Ingraham fame. Then I considered the possibility he was a monkey-faced liberal (he is, but that is not his breed). SCE is a “snub-nosed monkey”.
    Ugly little trolls.

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