New Moon Project

A number of readers noticed this, and yes, I am currently working with NASA on this project. Basically, we’re making a big explosion on the moon to see what it will look like. This will help prepare for one day nuking the moon and making that explosion as impressive as possible. My job in this project is to come up with a cover story to make it look like there’s a scientific purpose to exploding stuff on the moon. I came up with that sending debris six miles into the air will somehow help us know if water is on the moon, which I think is pretty decent BS.

Hopefully this all goes well, because then we can start working on the nuke. I plan to make nuking the moon a nuclear disarmament proposal to better fit with the Obama administration.


  1. Frank you are right. You cannot go around just nuking the moon all willy-nilly. We need a reasoned, scientific approach to it. We have very little data on what a nuclear explosion in space would be like or even do. What if we dropped a nuke and it just fizzled and was lame. How will folks cower in fear at our awesomeness? I applaud your efforts in this.

  2. My job in this project is to come up with a cover story to make it look like there’s a scientific purpose to exploding stuff on the moon.

    Why can’t we build a dam up there? The gravity is a lot lower, so it should be easy. That will supply us with all of the water we need, and hydroelectric power, too.

  3. Basically, we’re making a big explosion on the moon to see what it will look like.

    Didn’t we already discuss this? Yes, yes we did.
    (FrnakJ)Ever spend time wondering what a nuclear blast on the moon would really look like?

    (Veeshir)Actually no, I have a shirt with a picture and everything. Considering you sold me the shirt, I would think you would know that.

    I think you’re just really into blowing things up and, since NASA has some really cool stuff, you’re just egging them on to get a new pic for your T-shirts.

    I’m all for that. It’s better than the usual wasting of our tax dollars and the last photo-op only scared NYC, this way we get to scare most of the world.

  4. I plan to make nuking the moon a nuclear disarmament proposal to better fit with the Obama administration.

    Now if you could only fool the liberal envronazi democrat moonbat commie pinko hippes to all go to the moon before you nuke it.

  5. Nuke the Moon! All hail the foresight and wisdom of Frank! He is the prophet of our time!

    But mainly I’m just glad the New Moon Project didn’t involve Michael Moore waxing his butt and hanging it out the bus window as he goes by.

  6. I’m all for this. Excuse or no. I want to make sure whether my Current Nuke The Moon T-shirt is valid or if I’ll have to by the redesigned model to follow the testing.

    And since our nukes have been sitting idle for a bit, perhaps we need test a couple. Maybe 3, because it’s a lucky number. NYC, San Fransicko and Chicago would be great test sites. Call it Pest Control.

  7. It’s a clever ruse, Frank! Run! Once the Obama administration sucks you in with the promise of working on this project you will promptly be reassigned to a new project at Harvard studying sexual techniques practiced by American male homosexuals including positions and sexual aids/tools…

  8. I think your story about the water is cool. Maybe you can tell them the Moon is inhabited by a bunch of clones of Rush Limbaugh turned zombies, remember, Zero-bama is in charge now so you need a bullshit story, er, I mean, good reason that apeals to our Dear Leader.

    By the way, don’t people who are into vampire movies suck?

  9. Frank, you are making me really nervous. Since my name is Moon and I am hopelessly filled with self-interest, I’m constantly on the alert for the word “moon” used in any context. I am especially concerned when I see it used as the object of the verbs; nuke, bomb, destroy, blow up, evaporate (oh wait, no water there.) shoot, obliterate, or any other which indicate severe harm such as “transport all liberals there.”

    Give me a break and tell everyone about all the adorable puppies, cute chicks, yummy comestibles, purdy flowers, and other neat stuff you see when hanging out with “Moon” boys. Don’t make me come down there!

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