Top Columnists

John Hawkins has named me one of the best columnists for 2009, and I think that might be the first time I’ve been called a columnist. Of course, if you use Maureen Dowd of the revered New York Times as your standard, I should have like eight Pulitzers by now.


  1. “one of the best columnists for 2009” Sounds a bit fuzzy especially when you click on the version 1.0. You went from on on the top 30 to top 60 if you combine the lists. Do you think there will be a retraction or a version 3.0? Oh Heck! Congratulation, you rock.

  2. Tonight Frank gets reacquainted with the concept of spooning. With Rowdi. That happens when he gets on a list with M. Malkin. As a side note, John Hawkins deserves praise for his efforts to promote good Conservative bloggers. Big and small, he keeps on finding them, and we have a few who post here. Hats of to all of ya, just wish I had more time to do more than click your links once in a while.

  3. Aren’t columns phallic? I mean Gaelic?

    Columns are usually Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian.

    If Frank wants a Pulitzer, he can earn it the New York Times way:

    1. Visit a totalitarian country
    2. Find out how terribly it treats its people
    3. Write a series of articles or perhaps a book talking about how wonderful the country is, completely suppressing how terribly the country treats its people.

    Hey, it worked for Walter Duranty!

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