Random Thoughts

Probably one of Hollywood’s biggest problems is that they try to take on complex moral issues when they fail the basics.

Let’s not let the little issue of raping a 13-year-old obscure the bigger issue: A judge may have been overzealous!

So how big a majority do the Democrats actually need to enact their idiotic agenda?

Raping a 13-year-old isn’t an “agree to disagree” thing. It’s a “you can no longer be part of our society if you disagree” thing.

How about conservatives agree to search for and kick out the racists if liberals agree to do the same for the pro-rapists.

I don’t think all — or even most — liberals are pro-rapist, but they apparently have a pro-rapist problem.

I like these “Free Polanksi” petitions. It’s so much easier when Hollywood blacklists itself.


  1. Holy Crap! I forgot about him! I guess it was overshadowed by the whole chappaquiddic triathalon thing…

    Just goes to show, you can really F*** up when you are a kid, and if you are a commie liberal f***tard, you can still be loved and worshipped!


  2. “How about conservatives agree to search for and kick out the racists if liberals agree to do the same for the pro-rapists.”

    Sounds like a prescription for discarding both the Obama administration and Hollywood, Frank. However, your sentence can easily be misconstrued by liberals as inferring that Conservatives have a lot of racists in their midst that need getting rid of. That’s simply not true. Nor is it true that most liberals tolerate rape. But since liberals perform routine acts of degenerate moral equivalency, they’re more prone to tolerating both it and racism.

  3. Frank,

    I think you’re missing the point here. Liberals probably don’t think that it’s ok to rape 13 year old girls. They think it’s ok for the elites among them to rape 13 year old girls. Remember, according to liberals, there are little people, and there are people who’s boots little people are not fit to lick…well unless those people TELL a particular little person to lick their boots…then it’s ok. I don’t mean “little people” as in midgets, I mean the general unimportant populace….unless of course the particular little person happens to be a midget, in which case I do mean it.

    Where was I? Oh yeah…the problem here is that Polanski has been inadvertently classified by the legal system as “little people” and doled out punishment as if he was one of these little people when in fact, he is one of the accepted elites and should have the freedom to rape 13 year olds, not worry about his “carbon footprint”, and abuse all the midgets he sees fit. He’s just better than us…don’t you see that? Heck, he made Chinatown. He’s a citizen of France. FRANCE Frank. The girl is probably a better person for it.

    I think you’re just pursuing a non issue here. The legal system made a mistake and the little people are just righting a wrong here. You just have to recognize when someone is better than you and allow them to do whatever they want in exchange for them existing and by their existence making all our lives better. Just let it go.

    Forget it Frank, it’s Chinatown.

  4. Liberal logic:

    If a 20-year-old soldier fighting for our freedom, or a 20-year-old bridegroom celebrating a marriage, want to take a sip of beer, they should be denied, because they’re children, too young to know better.

    However, if a 13-year-old girl is fed drugs and alcohol by a Hollywood elitist before he anally rapes her, she’s a grown woman and the argument can be made that the sex was consensual.

    I hope this clears things up.

  5. I think it’s unfair to drag this stuff up after all these years. Obviously Mr. Polanski has moved on. He has gotten over the the shock of being caught, and the betrayal at the hands of the American legal system. Putting him in prison for raping a 13 year old girl, considering that he was a concentration camp survivor was just plain insensitive, but he has made his peace with it. He has dealt with it and moved on to lead a productive (and probably non-child raping) life.

    Why must we make him a victim all over again and ask him to pay for something questionable he did a long time ago? He’s over it, should we be?

  6. Woody( Heh, he said woody) Allen supports Roman Palansky’s right to rape/sodomize 13 yr. olds. Why am I not surprised?
    Hollywood casting directors felt a shiver go down their spine?, when they heard about the Roman Palansky arrest.
    Roman Palansky is a French citizen? He and Sarkozy must be best buddies.

  7. Raving Lunatic,

    If I now understand what passes for logic in Hollyweird correctly, it is apparently fine to drug and rape a 13 year old provided that her mother is pimping her out and your beautiful blonde wife was brutally stabbed to death by hippies.

    This is as opposed to OJ who stabbed his own beautiful blonde wife to death. Oh! You still don’t go to jail but you wind up being…….are you ready……..blacklisted!

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