Lightning Round 9-28-09

The illustrated version of The Lightning Round from the 9-28-09 Fred Thompson Show:

[YouTube direct link]


  1. Thank you, Harvey! Regular doses of Fred Thompson help me make it through the day!
    That Joe Biden’s wildest dream duck-thing scared me a little bit, but I laughed anyway!
    Hey, that rhymed!
    Mmm, mmm, mmm!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement on this, and please pass the link along to your friends. I check the viewing stats obsessively, so the higher that number goes, the more motivated I am to keep doing this.

    Gushing, gratuitous flattery in the comments helps, too…

  3. I’m not sure I want to know what Joe Biden dreams about, but I imagine it involves a chicken and a bottle of Scotch.

    Keep it up, Harvey! Guaranteed 5 stars for you, O Magnificent One! Posts such as these bring a feeling of bliss that could only be equaled by the sight of a mushroom cloud on the surface of the Moon!

    (Gushing enough?)

  4. Sheriiff Joe Biden is a neverending source of comedy/humor. O-bah-muhh is a neverending cause for consternation. A 5-star effort Harvey,but the Lightning Round is always more humorous when they sample from IMAO.

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