Terrorist Memorial

Apparently the September 11 Memorial and Museum wants to display a memorial to the 19 hijackers, but obviously some people have a problem with that. Can’t we just compromise and have 19 memorial urinals or something?


  1. Wait, thats what we can do with the ones Obama is taking out of Gitmo. Put 19 in cages and let the people visiting the memorial throw things at them, then when they die, get new ones from storage.

  2. Well it falls in line with the memorial at shanksville where they tried to include a crescent moon to remember the muslim terrorists as well. UNBELIEVABLE!!! We sold metal to Japan and they bombed us. We trained Ho Chi Minh and we got Vietnam. We are a nation who really needs to grow a pair and learn a bit from our history.

  3. I am all for everyone having the true facts on the dangers of radical Islam. If people want to investigate what the hijackers said and did for that purpose, there are other places and means to do that. But GIVE ME A FRIGGIN’ BREAK!!! To “memorialize” the radical Islamic mindset, the hatred that accompanies it, and the “achievement” of the hijackers in an environment meant to focus on those who were WRONGLY MURDERED on 9/11 would be nothing short of OBSCENE. Frank J.’s alternative is the only one I could possibly get behind.

    Good God… Apparently there are more people walking around minus a brain than even I had suspected.

  4. I suggest that it go on the Mall right between the memorial to the brave Japanese aviators who heroically destroyed our fleet at Pearl Harbor and the statues of John Wilkes Booth and Benedict Arnold.

    Are they NUTS? Somebody needs to throw a net over these people!

  5. So then, I suppose these same folks think we should have a section where the stories of the most murderous and torterous Nazis could tell their side of the story in the Holocaust Museum, as well? Or perhaps, the Clinton Library should have an exhibit for Monica Lewinski, or maybe the women who accused him of rape or molestation?

  6. And our tax dollars are going to support this museum? (Someone please say no, not just no but “Hell No”) I suggest Mr. Daniels go to Iran and start a martyr museum there. I wonder how long it would be before Daniels becomes an exhibit in his own museum.

  7. Urinals? noooooooo… they need to be foot washing stations… hey why dont they go for full out authenticity.. they could have public bathrooms that just consist of a few holes in the floor. No TP, TP isnt authentic, now which hand was it again??

  8. The urinals are a good idea,
    how about urinal deodorizer cakes embossed with their image?
    Or a herd of pigs in the terrorist wing of the museum,
    either with the terrorists pictures tattooed to them,
    or on the floor of the pig pen,
    as they are certainly lower than pig $#!+ .

  9. the September 11 Memorial and Museum wants to display a memorial to the 19 hijackers

    I srsly had to follow the linkage to see if that was a joke. “Offensive” does not begin to describe that idea.

    I submit:

    Step 1: Pay toilets = Gitmo Guests w/ mouths forced open, and Koran toilet paper/urinal cakes

    Step 2: Revenues received from Step 1 pays for rebuilding the WTC, starting with Gitmo Guests buried (alive) inside the concrete foundation

    Step 3: Crusty’s got the gig (see #7 above)

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