Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Because they are.
Liberals think conservatives are stupid. Because stupid liberals think stupid things.
There’s nothing — nothing! — that liberals and conservatives agree about.
Except Hitler.
We want our Hitler. And Constantin Film is taking our Hitler away.
I want Hitler parodies. Democratic Underground wants Hitler parodies.
Think about that.
There’s a socialist in the White House, the U.S. might shoot down Israeli jets if they attack Iran … but we agree that we want our Hitler?
Freakin’ Bizarro World.
My Hitler, my only Hitler
When you’re not on YouTube
My skies are gray
The movie studios
Are gonna pull you
Oh please don’t take my Hitler away
Did you know Hitler has a number of relatives living in the US. They changed their name and all avoided having children.
Any time a story is too convenient and sounds neat and tidy I try and remain skeptical. Real life is messy and confusing and never fits neatly into much of anything. The whole burned bodies etc. deal IMO gives it a small but plausible chance that it was a stunt to allow Hitler to escape into hiding.
Or you watch history channels “Nostradamus effect” series episode 8 . They cover “Three Secrets of Fatima” that described the future of communism that has thus far all been right. Anyway just some “out-there-who knows-what if’s” for fun.
I don’t understand how a four minute parody from a much longer film is a copyright violation. Is there anyone here with a grasp of copyright laws?
I remember back in the last century when the U.S. had a little “business” to take care of in Libya, we got our collective panties all in a wad because France refused to lets our bombers (which were based in England) use their airspace to carry out the raid. So, we had to fly around France (all the way to the straights of Gibraltar) to accomplish the mission!
Now, it seems, we are doing the same thing to our “ally” Israel!
My how the times have changed!
Hitler, always Hitler! What’s up with that! When are we going to give Stalin equal billing? I submit to you that Stalin was just as ruthless as Hitler ever thought of being! He sent just as many (if not more) innocent people to their graves as Hitler! He terrorized the Russian people just as expertly as Hitler terrorized the German people, and for way more years than Hitler got to do it. Furthermore, his secret police were just as ruthless as Hitler’s secret police ever thought of being. Oh sure they didn’t get to drive around in those cool black, twelve cylinder, Mercedes limos with their woo-woo sirens like Hitler’s secret police did. And they didn’t get to wear those dynamite leather great coats like Hitler’s secret police got to wear, but pound for pound, and man for man, with one knock on the door at two o’clock in the morning they could generate just as much fear in the human heart as the Hitler’s Gestapo could generate any day of the week! Stalin successfully liquidated various whiners, snivelers, malcontents, and assorted enemies of the state with as much (if not more) expertise then Hitler ever thought of…yet he never gets anywhere near the publicity or credit Hitler gets. This is bogus people…bogus! Plus Stalin had a way cooler moustache then Hitler. I rest my case……..
What we need is some first name only bloggers (Gotta be a few of those around) that get a replacement started by using a clip of the Bamster talking for just a few minutes (Harder to find). The handy thing is we could still call them Hitler parodies.
Good idea Dohtimes. Hitler parodys beong pilled on Lenin’s birthday? I think not. Call in Micheal Moore and Pon Raul to investigaste foe Jack Chick.
Marko is right on fair use.
I never even heard of the movie until I started seeing the parodies. YouTube could have been a great marketing thing for them…
Frankly, I think this may be a marketing ploy by Constantin Film. The YouTube Hitler parodies almost certainly brought more attention to “Downfall” (a fantastic movie, by the way) than it ever would have gotten in the U.S. (After all, independent films spoken entirely in a foreign language and subtitled in English aren’t exactly known for doing huge box office in the U.S. of A.). Thanks to the Hitler parodies, however, millions of Americans have been exposed to at least a segment of “Downfall” (and Bruno Ganz’s incredible performance). And I can’t help but imagine that this has inspired many, many people to go out and rent or buy the movie who otherwise never would have, thereby increasing Constantin’s profits by a non-trivial amount.
Now, however, with Hitler having ranted about everything from the Xbox to the housing crisis to the latest NFL draft results, the meme has pretty much played itself out. Hitler parodies are old and busted. So, if you’re Constantin Films, what better way to regenerate interest in pretty much the only commercially successful movie you’re ever going to have than to start a big copyright fight with YouTube?
Instant publicity.
Oh, yeah, and I want my Hitler, too.
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Quite a few of those hitler parodies are still available on other video sites than youtube. I know people were just migrating their parodies to, among others. If youtube is getting too quick on complying with DMCA takedown notices, they could start to see a move away from their services. That’s the free market in action, baby.
Thanks Basil! I needed a new monitor anyway.
“We want our Hitler. And Constantin Film is taking our Hitler away.”
Why don’t we just ask the Muslims what they want? That’s what we do with everything else.
This is a bit long, but is so mostly so that folks have some hippie punching information.
@zzyzx: Hitler and Stalin were pikers compared to Mao, and you can toss in Pol Pot if you measure strictly by greatest percentage of his countrymen killed (rough estimates):
Mao: 40-60 million killed
Stalin: 20 million killed
Hitler: 7 million killed
Pol Pot: 2 million killed (25% of Cambodia’s population)
Communist Total Genocide for 20th Century: 110 million killed
During the Holodomor (Ukranian genocide), Stalin killed roughly 25,000 per day, mostly through starvation. Although this genocide lasted only one year, Stalin managed to kill 6 million Ukranians (almost as many as Hitler killed during his entire reign).
Then there are two names with which most folks are not likely familiar:
Rachel Carson: 60 million dead. Carson wrote _Silent_Spring_, which resulted in the ban of DDT. DDT had already made much of the tropical world inhabitable (without the miracle of DDT, the Panama Canal might not have been built). Since its publication, _Silent_Spring_ has resulted in roughly 60 million preventable deaths:
While you read my post, approximately 1-3 people will die from malarial deaths (see this counter):
In Africa, malaria is a much greater problem than is AIDS, and malaria mostly affects the pregnant and young. Liberal Solution: More money for mosquito nets. Forget about the fact that Carson’s science has been totally debunked and that DDT is demonstrated to be safe.
Dr. Norman Borlaug: saved possibly as many as 1 billion lives. Dr. Borlaug is an agronomist who personally revolutionized farming in India, Pakistan, Mexico, etc. Right up until his death last year, Dr. Borlaug was continuing to make advances in genetic engineering from which we all benefit.
I include him here partly because his efforts were vociferously opposed by, you guessed it, stupid ephin’ liberals. Liberal environuts have scared many African nations from accepting massive donations of seed grain that is pest and disease resistant (the same stuff we eat). More dead.
Hitler seems easy to caricature. The rest of these killers seem downright scary.
George J: I recall the Libya fly-by during the Reagan years. The French embassy had some windows blown out, likely due to proximity to an actual target, but who really knows?
If I could make a list of things liberals and conservatives agree about, Hitler parodies would be on it, for sure, right under the glory of fresh hot Krispy Kreme donuts and just above the fabulous nature of Dorothy’s red ruby shoes.
Let us not forget Margaret Sanger, whose racist views and work in eugenics served to bolster Nazi plans for the elimination of “undesirables.” Because of Sanger’s organization, Planned Parenthood, millions upon millions of American infants (and in many other countries) have been executed as “undesireable.”
True, Tommy. I forgot old Mags Sanger who started Planned Parenthood to keep African Americans from populating.