I noticed I haven’t really said much on Michael Steele on IMAO. That’s because I intensely don’t care. He’s the RNC Chairman. I usually don’t even know who that is. Someone people think he’s doing a horrible job, but I’m not sure what to compare him to not really knowing what a good RNC Chairman is supposed to do. Apparently fundraising is doing well, but if people think Steele is a big drag, then get rid of him quickly. If you can’t get rid of him quickly, then I’d shut up about him with all the other stuff we have to focus on. In the least, Steele doesn’t seem to be in the way of success in November only so much in that other Republicans seem to see the need to constantly talk about him.
Basil still thinks Michael Steele is smokin’ hot. Much the same way Kos is smokin’ hot. Plus the same sulfer smell.
I had such high hopes for him during his run in Maryland but, his actions at RNC started flat-footed, to put it kindly. It seems like he has gotten a little better with time. Unless we have someone much better to replace him with I think we should give him more time.
Steele is the R version of Biden: Nice guy, means well but requires a small army of people to follow him around and clean up after his verbal blunders.
Steele needs to spend more time behind his desk and less time in front of the cameras.
Republicans don’t use the race card.
And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.
While Steele is a liability for the GOP, he’s not as big a problem as Republicans who don’t think they can repeal Obamacare. Those are the people we need to hit over the head with baseball, as our own very wise Marko suggested.
Hey, I got a great idea. Let’s replace Steele with Marko! Nothing like a Russian guy speaking with a Scottish accent to get the GOP rolling towards a November landslide win. Or is he a Scottish guy speaking with a Russian accent? Either way, the chicks will dig it. It’s a winner, baby!
I would be perfectly willing to take over the chairmanship of the Grand Old Party. However, be forewarned; I will declare martial law ASAP. All these girly men who take pot shots at Steele in the media instead of acting like grownups and asking him to resign. will be brought to justice for their cowardice, idiocy, and girlyness.
By the way, Proud Infidel, I am a Pennsylvanian who has assumed the personality of a Scottish guy with a bad fake Russian accent.
I like your style already, Marko. And thanks for clarifying the Scotish guy with a bad fake Russian accent bit. I was about to ask you how you liked living in the US after you defected with the Red October.
I’m so easily confused these days. I just became a grandfather and I’m having a hard time dealing with the fact I’m that old. Shouldn’t it be a requirement that a guy needs to grow up BEFORE he becomes a grandfather?
As my grandfather always says, Proud Infidel, “With old age comes great wisdom.”
Actually, he never says that.
By the way, congratulations.
They’ll be rid of Steele soon enough. http://bit.ly/d8RSGy He’s the most convenient fall-guy.
Marko can’t be RNC chairman. It’d be too boring. The party chairman is supposed to be some nameless faceless person who spends all of his time raising funds. In an ideal world, none of us would know who the RNC chairman is unless we had millions to donate. In that ideal world, the chairman would not spend his time appearing on news shows, nor would he find it necessary to charter flights.
Congratulations, Infidel! Your decision not to grow up will serve you well as grandfather.
In that case, Burmashave, I nominate Frank’s invisible rabbit.
I generally give Republicans with moustaches the benefit of the doubt.
I just hope this health care bill doesn’t be come the one ring to gather Rinos in the the darkness and bind them.
Be come? How quaint.
Gotta give Mr. Steele credit, when stupid people doing wrong things are discovered in the RNC they are dealt with swiftly and decisively. Can you imagine what the DNC would look like if they did that? Heh, that’d be funny to watch.
@#7 Proud Infidel asked, “Shouldn’t it be a requirement that a guy needs to grow up BEFORE he becomes a grandfather?”
Why would it be? It’s no longer a requirement to grow up before becoming President of the United States.
Dump Steele, if he won’t resign – NOW. He’s a GOP albatross the Dems will only too gladly use to project their “you’re no better than we are” relativism. AND , BY THE WAY, THE BIGGEST “FUNDRAISER” FOR THE NRC/GOP THIS PAST YEAR WAS *O*B*A*M*A*. Steele deserves little to no credit for that.