Has anyone considered that maybe the problem with political debate these days is we haven’t called each other Nazis quite enough?
Even though you can’t see God, you can be sure He’s there and He’s watching you. He’s like a ninja.
Puerto Rico can become a state if they want, but they’ll have to change their name to “East Dakota.”
The reasons dogs bite the hand that feeds them is because it smells like food.
Our political system is made to promote sociopaths, but we still get surprised when they’re so blatant.
It’s been 23 years since the game Contra came out and the U.S. military still hasn’t developed a reliable spread gun.
Maybe Crist will get the confused old people vote that Pat Buchanan tends to sweep.
I’m pretty good at being a crank, but if I worked harder at it I think I could be much more of a crank.
I declare NBC’s current Thursday night lineup to be the greatest two hours of comedy ever in existence.
Hawaii would love it if Puerto Rico became the 51st state so they could stop being the n00b.
51 stars on the flag would be a little weird. Let’s also add a 52nd star to commemorate the unknown state.
Children shouldn’t draw things; they’re not very good at it.
No, the State of Bigger Budget Deficit. Or, perhaps, the State of Gerrymander.
It’s been 23 years since the game Contra came out and the U.S. military still hasn’t developed a reliable spread gun.
Um, AA-12. You call yourself a true conservative and did not know this.
The Office stopped being funny when they had to resort to a clip show for their season premier.
The Office? Uggh. I’ve seen paint drying contests more entertaining than that dreck.
“Even though you can’t see God, you can be sure He’s there and He’s watching you. He’s like a ninja.”
He’s even awesomer than that. He’s like a ninja who make himself invisible and has access to weapons of mass destruction like lightning bolts and can turn you into a pile of feta cheese.
Puerto Rico can become a state if they want, but they’ll have to change their name to “East New York”
Puerto Rico can becaome the new state of Sotuh Miami. Or New Obama.
“What’s a NBC?
“Our political system is made to promote sociopaths, but we still get surprised when they’re so blatant.”
You got that right. The Founding Fathers could not foresee the pure evil greed, disguised as “caring about others”, that would drive some to seek power over us as compared to the intent of serving the nation and preserving freedom. Oh, did I just describe liberals? My bad. Not suppossed to speak the truth. Too insensitive.
We need fifty seven stars. Teh One said so.
God is like an all-wise ninja with thinderbolts. God is cool.
Oh, Frank, Frank, Frank. Soon will come the time when you will believe that little Frank or Francine’s hand print turkeys belong in a museum.
Question for all hippies: On their path to total control of Germany, in what year did the Nazis defeat their rivals the National Socialist Worker’s Party?
Ha! Trick question. Nazi is an abbreviation for National Socialist German Workers’ Party. (NSDAP or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)
Stop calling me a SOCIALIST!
51st state? I thought there were already 57? I know I heard that somewhere.
Epistemological closure question for the day: While watching us, does God spend more of His time laughing, or weeping?
A fine idea, but perhaps we could keep it at 50 by kicking one state out. Someone pointed out that we get lots of food from California, so mebbe we could go east coast. Vermont is always talking about secession, and Massachusetts is a money pit (bonus there: we would lose Cambridge and Harvard).
Better still, we could have an all-USA competition and the loser would get kicked out.
But I thought they were going to have to add 6 more stars anyway (because Obama would never lie to us), so making it 57 shouldn’t be too hard…
The lawyers need to check if the “Nazi” name is in the common domain now. If the original Nazis renewed the copyright, someone’s going to be in a lot of trouble, the way everyone is slinging the name around.
I thought Minnesota real name was East Dakota.
Random Thought: Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Select, Start
“Our political system is made to promote sociopaths, but we still get surprised when they’re so blatant.”
The Founding Fathers were smart enough to recognize this, and that’s why the Constitution grants them so few powers.
@14 bil Frank, North Dakota shunned minnesota because ND was smart enough not to want al franken.
porto rico needs to be a state because we need another bunch of lazy good for nothins that don’t speak english, just like washinton d.c.
Good article on immigration
ummm super gross
Imgoing to try to figure out the quoty controls here…. your patience is appreciated. If you have no patience ….XIN LOI!
#18: This is off topic, but that story pales by comparison to the story Drudge is running about the guy who is marrying his grandmother.
Let me tie this to immigration. If the couple attempts to immigrant here, we should consider stoning them.
s/b “attempts to immigrate here”
Happy Arbor Day !
Today is the day we all plant a tree.
We do this to replace the tree we planted last year.
We had to cut down last year’s tree to make a baseball bat.
We need a baseball bat because tomorrow is May Day.
May Day is also known as “Hit a Commie in the face with a baseball bat day”.
So Happy Arbor Day !
Yeah, Thursday night NBC is the only broadcast TV I watch. Love Alec Baldwin, but reach for the remote when Tina Fey and the slut from Ally McBeal come on.