Once you throw out the craziest results from the CPAC poll, it’s starting to look like Mitt Romney might be the current favorite for 2012.
He’s just so politiciany. You can’t trust anything he says, but basically you’d vote for him because you think maybe he’s a particularly skilled politician. And he’s run businesses, which is a plus now. He was my back up choice in 2008 and he’s that again — if there’s absolutely no one interesting who would get the slightest excitement from me, then I guess we’ll go with Romney.
So, just in case, I started working on some presidential slogans for him because that is what I do.
Romney 2012: I feel no particular animus towards him.
Maybe Hugh Hewitt can be enthused enough for all of us.
The back up college of presidential candidates.
A younger Bob Dole for president.
Romney 2012: Because no one else seemed particularly interesting.
He’s not just another cookie cutter WASP — this one’s Mormon!
At least he’s not Huckabee.
I guess he looks like a president.
You don’t have to be excited; you just have to vote for him.
His positions as he currently states them align with mine.
kinda how i feel. ehhh lets just elect that rich bastard
“Romney ’12: He passed Obamacare before there was Obamacare”
My desire to see Obamacare go may trump some other issues. Of all the candidates, I’m guessing that, no matter what he says, Romney will have the least fire in his belly to lead a charge against Obamacare.
Surely there is a better choice… Fortunately the early front runner seldom gets the nomination. I can’t get over his sponsorship of Socialized Medicine in Mass.
Hey, why all the hate for Huck? 🙁
Chris Christie for Pres.-2012! Newt Romney for chairman of any county RINO committee.
We’re running against a piece of fetid cheese. So we’ll nominate a dead sheep.
At least in Romney we’d get a man who is an acknowledged expert on the subject of failed and costly healthcare plans.
Romney 20125: The Ford Escort of candidates !!!
2012 LOL The pain meds arr stills workshing eye cee.
Pell Grants for all. But only for barber colleges.
A pox on all taxes and a tax on all poxes.
Romney : He’s tired of not making a controversial statement.
Romney2012: Talk To The Hair
‘Cuz The Face Ain’t Listenin’
Romney2012: He Makes Great Concession Speeches
Romney2012: Disregard The Lack Of Spine
Mitt Romney: “I’ll piss you off slightly less than Obama!”
Mitt Romney: “Strong on whatever issues he thinks moderates want him to be strong on that day!”
Mitt Romney: “Somewhat conservative, except on the issues you care most about!”
Mitt Romney: “Wanting really badly to be president, even if he doesn’t have an actual agenda!”
Mitt Romney: “A vision for America’s future that’s slightly different than that of the Democrats!”
Mitt Romney: “Prepared for a 3 A.M. call from the Olympics committee!”
…and, of course, the word that will appear under his Warholian image on posters and will come to define his campaign: “TEPID”
Romney2012: We’ll Unfreeze Him For The 3AM Phone Calls
“Mitt Romney: He may not be Fred Thompson, but he stood next to him once”
Romney 2012: The people who say he has no chance at the nomination are the same ones who said there was no way we’d nominate McCain in 2008!
Romney 2012: He has a different name than the last old, rich, white, career-politican running for president.
Romney 2012: Master of flip flopping.
And then there’s a picture of him in flip flops.
Romney 2012, The media started race bating, so you dont have to.
Romney 2012, he makes promises, you get apathetic and stop caring when he doesn’t deliver
Romney 2012, great hair, decent enough guy
Romney 2012, hey who else we got?
Romney 2012, armed with a sense of irony only a mother can love.
The thing about him is he is a businessman and not a politician which is why when he tries to play “politics” it comes off like an uncoordinated kid trying to emulate Michael Jordan rather then improving his fundamentals.
Be forewarned he is a northeastern blue blood like Bush. Which to me says, overcompensation on “muscular” foreign policy and big government solutions domestically.
That sad thing is that like Bush this actually represents the schizophrenic collective unconscious of average American voters.
Romney2012: Tanned, Rested, And Ready To Lose One For The Gipper
I will primary and then vote for whoever I then discern is
-most likely to win the election (no conservative will ever “beat” Obama’s media Goliath)
-pretty conservative
-will choose constitution respecting judges
We should focus aggressive activism through the house and senate and conservative media. You need the “stable and able” figurehead for president. If you have a milquetoast congress and radical president the people will throw you out. Yet you can move things your direction for years without arousing voter ire by having an activist congress,media and “stable and able” president. Just ask the left they did it for the last few decades without ever really controlling the white house.
“Better than an empty suit, he’s an empty body”
Romney 12: Cause the last New England Republican to serve as president was………anybody……anybody…….Buehler?
-Rule #1 of American politics *No matter how good or bad the other guy is Americans do not elect the “dull” guy EVER! EVER! EVER!
-Romney 2012
*Gerald Fords next term
*because we cant go back in time and choose his father instead of Nixon
-Seriously I am quite certain that Mitch Daniels would make the best next president of anyone of either party.
Problem of course is that probably could not get elected. Unless he can get Mitts hair and and Huckabees “Charm” It would be McCain vs Obama, Bush vs Gore, Bush vs Kerry, Dole vs Clinton, Bush vs Clinton, Carter and whoever against Reagan oh and JFK.
“if you thought McCain was exciting, vote for Romney!”
-most likely to win the election (no conservative will ever “beat” Obama’s media Goliath)
that’s McCain you want then. Vote Romney!
If you learned nothing else from 2008, you should have learned that you NEVER pick a candidate on “electability”, you pick who you want to win!
Romney! He’s The One I’ve been waiting for! He puts the “R” in R(omney)INO!!
Or sumpin.
Jeopardy Question to pendejo grande’s query: “Who Is George Herbert Walker BOOOOSH?”
Sorry if I caused confusion seeing as how this is a Romney thread. In my previous posts I was trying to bring up a serious issue that no matter how awful Obama is I worry if we have anyone that can win just like in 2008.
I do think Romney would make an OK president and a pretty good Vice president. Maybe I should just put my 2012 thoughts in order.
Most likely to be a very good next president -Mitch Daniels
Most probable to win nomination but lose election -Romney
If nominated, most likely to embarrassingly lose the media campaign but maybe win election by a sliver like Truman, -Romney
Most likely to be driven to a far away location and locked in a cabin -Biden
Most likely to win election over Obama -Christie
Most likely mantle to be claimed by both parties -Reagan
Most likely to fart during a debate tie -huck vs paul
Most likely to be like McCain and wonder why the media hates him suddenly -Huckabee
Most likely to talk about religion constantly -Obama
The more I think about it the more I think the best way to unseat Obama is to register democrat and try and help Hilary win the nomination.
Romney 2012: He’s not quite as smarmy as he looks
Shiggz: register democrat and try and help Hilary win the nomination
I tried that last time. It didn’t seem to help much. Amused the hubby though. And it was pretty fun sitting around listening to the leftist whackjobs at the election night precinct meetings…but really, in the end I could have accomplished the same amount by having a rootbeer float for breakfast.
Romney 2012: Do you want to look at Chris Christie for 4 years?
Romney 2012: Finishing Nixon’s legacy without those annoying expletives deleted.
Romney 2012: A $500 rebate for every vote.
Romney 2012: I’ve had 4 years to perfect my conservative impersonation.
Romney 2012: Vote for me or my 5 sons will ride their bikes to your house.
Romney/Trump 2012 – Embrace the Oligarchy.
Romney does need to do something to make himself seem more alive. Remember all the heat he caught when he once said he used to be a hunter, but it ended up the only thing he shot was squirrels? Well, for one thing, who doesn’t approve of shooting squirrels. For a second thing, maybe we need to make the squirrels more interesting. Frank, you’re good with science, how about you whip us up a couple of twenty foot tall squirrels that we can have set loose on the debates, and then Romney can drop them with Sarah Pallin’s moose rifle. That will liven him up a bit.
Romney for President – The GOP wasn’t going to leave this decision in the hands of a bunch of rubes called The American People! They stepped in, took over and selected their guy, now sit down, shut up and vote for him!
“At least he’s not Huckabee.”
Whoa! What’s up with getting a purple whatsiboppit icon assigned to me?
The 2012 GOP Candidates Were Created by Man.
They Rebelled.
They Evolved.
They Look and Feel Conservative.
Some are programmed to think they are Conservative.
There are many copies.
And they have a Plan.
F.B. Wins!
Vote for me and I’ll set ya free!
#38 – bdog57,
Go to en.Gravatar.com and join the cool kids with a custom made avatar. You’re welcome!
Just be honest and say “he’s Mormon and we loath them” and be done with it. We have no illusions about how some people feel about us, except of course they don’t know much about us and what they do know is mostly wrong but why let the lack of fact color your opinion.
Democrats never do. They also discriminate those who don’t walk in lock step with their belief system, demonize them and disenfranchise them.
Kind of makes you say hmmmmmmmmmm.
Romney – because his father really knew how to run American Motors!
Is it true that Mitt Romney grew up in a Detroit ghetto? And that he travelled cross-country with the family pooch strapped to the roof of their car? Who knew? And can these facts help him hold off a Ron Paul surge and win primaries in Evangelical-dominated states?
Maybe Romney needs a 2-part slogan to win a majority of the vote.
(1)- Mitt Romney – He’s not Sarah Palin!
(that wins the east-coast, blue-blood country-club Republican vote.)
And then the Super Secret 2nd part of the slogan….
(2) – But he’ll do as she says!
(that wins the rest of the country!)