The $25,000 Pyramid

You all know how the game is played. Nipsey Russell will give a list of items that fit the topic. Get them all in 60 seconds and you’ll walk away with $25,000.

Ready? Here’s your first subject. Go!

High unemployment.
Rising prices.
Unpopular government policies.

Things Egyptians protest.

High unemployment.
Rising prices.
Unpopular government policies.

Things Americans protest.

Beating up reporters.
Burning buildings.
Killing other people.

How Egyptians are protesting.

Beating up reporters.
Burning buildings.
Killing other people.

Things Americans didn’t do when they protested.

Waiting for the next election isn’t soon enough.
The president must listen to the people and leave office now.

Things Obama said about Egyptian protests.

People don’t understand what we’re doing.
We didn’t get our message out.

Things Obama said about American protests.

Twenty. Five. Thousand. Dollars. Congratulations. And good job, Nipsey

I hope we all learned something today. Then we all can be winners. I’m Dick Clark. So long, everybody.


  1. But wait, you can’t use part of the answer in your clue, so in the last box, when the word “American” was used, you blew it and lost. Sorry. 🙁

    [A review of the videotape shows that Nipsey Russell actually said “people” and not “Americans”. The transcript has been corrected to reflect this. – B.]

  2. Things that are flamable

    Rocks! I see lots of fires in Egypt and the only thing the protesters have to fight the military with are rocks…therefore rocks burn. Science!

    [Don’t get me wrong, these are all good items for a list of things that are flammable. But no one has gone “there” yet? Seriously? The most obvious answer for this crew hasn’t even been mentioned yet? I will give all of you until noon. – B.]

  3. Careful Basil, don’t be sending any coded messages! Remember how much trouble the Alaska governor got in for that, and a simple crosshairs map’s implications pale in comparison to this!

  4. Matches? As in the Match Game?

    “Blundering Barack is such a blunderer that he once tried to use a teleprompter while ______________.”

    (Gotta love a game show where the celebrities smoked and drank themselves into the bag during the show.)

  5. Nipsey, take us out:

    Those beaten reporters
    Would have a conniption
    If Barack pulled a Hosni
    and walked, like an Egyptian!

    Come back next week when we’ll have Vicki Lawrence and Jim J. Bullock!

  6. But does the witch weigh as much as the duck? We must use Science! to find out.

    In regards to Basil’s Game Show, I take it there is a difference between American Protesting, and American Rioting. Because American Rioting is quite like Egyptian Protesting.

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