Random Thoughts

So far, The Daily is too much like a traditional newspaper or magazine to appeal to me.

I don’t know enough about Egypt to say whether Obama is handling it well, so to be on the safe side I’ll just say he’s doing a bad job.

Should we be surprised of the behavior of people who work at Planned Parenthood? It does seem like it requires a bit of moral compartmentalization.

Can’t Israel just take over Egypt and run it?


  1. “Should we be surprised of the behavior of people who work at Planned Parenthood? It does seem like it requires a bit of moral compartmentalization.”

    “What did you do at work today, Mommy?” “Oh it was wonderful, we stuck a scissors into a live babies skull and then we sucked his brains out before we had him drawn and quartered”! “I must take you to work someday with me to show you what wonderful work Mommy does”! “Umm, like no thanks, Mommy, that like sounds like totally lame”!

  2. Is saying Obama is doing a bad job even necessary? Isnt that just common knowledge to we common people? Common people being those outside of DC and academia.

    I vote we change the name of planned parenthood to planned enslavement Or something similar.

  3. If you are wondering how Obama is handling Egypt, just look back through history at how Carter handled Iran and what the end result was. That is where we are headed with Egypt! Another Arab state headed by a bunch of really swell guys who want to kill us, everyone in Israel and pretty much everyone else in the world! Nice job Barry!

  4. I’m sure Israel is thanking their lucky backsides that they built that wall between them and Egypt inspite of all the howling from the international socialist left.

    Just for the record European leaders from openly socialist parties well their policies the last two years have been more conservative then Obamas.

    I’m beginning to notice a trend with leftists that you aren’t allowed to call anyone anything that is true. There is a line between “challenging reality” and being “reality challenged.”

  5. Yes, Israel could take over Egypt and run it but why would they want to? That would be tantamount to Windsor, Ontario annexing Detroit. The Jews, as a whole, are a clever bunch and are far too intelligent to get suckered into this one.

  6. “Can’t Israel just take over Egypt and run it?”

    As a spokesman for the various Super-Duper Really Sekrit Worldwide International Zionist Plots And Pot Luck Picnics, I’ve been authorized by them to say “No way, Jose!” Israel doesn’t need the headache of running that crazy place. They do plan to steal the Pyramids and remove them for safe keeping to Tel Aviv, though. They think they will look quite spiffy with Menoras and Stars of David on top of them, don’t you? Better than reducing them to a pile or rubble as the Islamists plan. They also advised me to tell you that from know on doing the Hooky Pokey could provoke a nuclear response. That is all.

  7. *We are talking about Planned Parenthood but your not gonna mention that Kermit fella and his trophy collection of baby feet? Remember how the left kept putting Vietnam GI with ear collections? Well turns out it was right but it was them/in America/feet of aborted fetuses.

    *I keep wanting to make a list to show how unliberal leftists have become by comparing their “causes” during the Bush vs Obama years. This should demoralize them and maybe wake a few up to realize how blind to their own totalitarianism they have become. Here is a rough start.

    Bush years
    *opposed foreign wars
    *opposed printing money
    *opposed escalating debt
    *opposed pre emptive wars
    *opposed indefinite detention
    *opposed wiretapping
    *opposed creation of TSA and DHS
    *opposed Fox News connections with administration

    Obama years

  8. USSJC is keerect. The Muslim Bro’s have been plotting this one since the 1930’s. Everyone is now is pinning their hopes on those same Muslim “moderates” we’ve heard about for years but never actually seen (like tachyon particles). Let’s face it, when was the last time there was revolution in a Muslim nation in which the Muslims did not take power?

    It’s a safe bet to assume Obama will do a rotten job regarding Egypt:
    – Not a supporter of exporting democracy
    – Doesn’t have a problem with clerical regimes
    – Has demonstrated lack of concern for the oppressed
    – Believes that leaders care what he says
    – Believes that bowing is the key to international peace
    – Won Nobel Peace Prize
    – Miserable record on foreign policy
    – Has demonstrated lack of clue regarding Mid East issues
    Then again, he only does what Michelle allows, and the Egyptians are a pretty skinny lot, so she’s prolly happy with them.

  9. “Should we be surprised of the behavior of people who work at Planned Parenthood? It does seem like it requires a bit of moral compartmentalization.”

    Yes, I’m shocked that cretins that spend all day doing their best to convince mothers to kill their own babies aren’t more morally grounded.

  10. “I don’t know enough about Egypt to say whether Obama is handling it well, so to be on the safe side I’ll just say he’s doing a bad job.

    Well, lets see. He has allienated all of our allies and made a huge point to them that we will not lift a finger to help them in any way, fomentting rebelions. He stirred up revolutions in countries where previously they were ruled by moderate, freindly to America, dictators who will shortly be replaced by Al Queada freindly regimes. Egypt controls the Suez Canal. Obama has driven oil rigs out of the Gulf with his bogus moratorium and not allowed any new permits for them to come back.

    So, we’re more dependant on foreign oil, he’s making sure the supply of oil will go through anti-American hands, and told Isreal to basically go to H E double hockey sticks.

    How could you possibly think he’s somehow doing badly….

  11. Didn’t the Jooooooooos like flee Egypt a while back? I don’t think we are going to be able to trick them into going back where they will end up building pyramids and stuff for another Pharoh! Jooooooooooos are smart and they saw the Muslim Brotherhood coming when God told them to flee!!!

  12. Should we be surprised of the behavior of people who work at Planned Parenthood? It does seem like it requires a bit of moral compartmentalization.

    Working at Planned Parenthood requires having no morals whatsoever. In fact, it’s a plus if you have the mentality of a scociopathic serial killer.

  13. Nobel Peace Prize ‘winners’ (and I use that term sarcastically): Yasser Arafat, Mohammed El Baradei, Barack Hussein Obama. Hmmm…. I begin to see a pattern here.
    Morals of Planned Parenthood workers are aborted, and put in specimen jars right next to the trophy feet.
    USSJC’s 1st comment makes me wonder how the ‘Take Your Kid To Work Day’ fares, at Planned Pre-Partum Baby Killing Centers.

  14. How to Drive Liberals Crazy #37:
    Celebrate Terry Gilliam’s dystopian fantasy Brazil as a parable of just how unspeakably horrible things get when the liberals take charge: insane bureaucracy; universal police surveillance; state-sponsored torture; terrorism; a heartless elite; a labyrinthine government machine from which the only possible escape is the solace of insanity. . . And Gilliam had never even heard of Rahm Emanuel when he made it.

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