I’m Back

Yay! I’m back!

Yeah, I was like gone and stuff.

Oh, and just to be clear, I’ve been joking about the whole quitting thing. I don’t actually have any plans to quit because if I stopped blogging then ad revenue would go down and SarahK would yell at me and it would be hard to buy pretty new hats for Buttercup. So no plans to quit… until I like die or am exploded or something. But maybe by then I’ll be able to replace my predictable humor with an algorithm and be able to continue on anyway.

That said, did you buy your Nuke the Moon shirt?

You only have like a day or so left to order one to make sure you get yours, and if enough aren’t ordered, I’ll quit blogging!

BTW, while I was gone, Crowder released a new video. I’ll post it here since I like to support the arts. It’s about the American dream and involves punching:

So, I guess I’ll get back to regular blogging and stuff. So what’s like happened in politics? Don’t tell me Obama did more stuff because I’m tired of talking about him.


  1. Liar. You didn’t quit blogging because you’re afraid of your own readers.

    For instance, I know our go-to threat scared you until you crapped your pants.

    “That’s a nice Kindle you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.”

  2. Let’s all speculate on why Buttercup’s hat a letter “C” on it…

    * The C stands for Conservative.

    * Buttercup stole the hat from a gay baby named Charles

    * The Bangladeshi hat factory doesn’t have spell-check.

    * That’s not Buttercup – Frank rented a cuter baby to try to squeeze more t-shirt orders out of us.

  3. Frank you said you feel dorky when you compare yourself to your wife and daughter in a photo so you are running back to your faithful IMAO readers with your tail between your legs where you know we don’t consider dorky just donky fighters. You are a donky fighter and thats all I/we care about. “I don’t actually have any plans to quit…” I am very unsophisticated, etc. and totally thought you were leaving IMAO – horrible. On one hand I’m so glad you now say you are not going anywhere but I now see this squishy, changeable, dorky thing you have which you are going to have to overcome by making super imaginative and powerful stuff on IMAO, and then perhaps we will take you back with open arms…?

    Signed, An offended loyalist

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