Straight Line of the Day: Listed in California’s New “Homeless Bill of Rights”…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Listed in California’s new “Homeless Bill of Rights“…


  1. is the ammendment “No homeless person shall, in time of peace or war, be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, unless the homless person is an artist and can produce a self portrait.” This is known as the Drawn and Quartering Act.

  2. 1. Freedom to speak loudly and incoherently to imaginary companions.
    2. Right to bare arms, legs, feet and any other body part desired.
    3. Prohibits homeless from being moved from their park bench or street corner in times of war.
    4. No homeless person can have his/her brown paper bag, shopping cart, or backpack searched without a warrant.
    5. No homeless person will be made to suffer through Double Jeopardy! or Judge Judy without due process of law.
    6. All homeless people have a right to speedy social services, Obamaphones, and foodstamps.
    7. When two homeless people have a dispute over more than $20 a jury of their peers will decide the outcome with dice, rock-paper-scissors or spin the bottle in the brown paper bag.
    8. Excessive showering or cruel and unusual taunts towards homeless persons about foul body odor will not be tolerated.
    9. Any rights, real or imaginary, not listed here are still valid.
    10. Powers not delegated by the homeless to their imaginary alien overlord are reserved for the unwashed masses.

  3. …more public assistance funded by charging the homeless an “occupancy tax” for sleeping on the street.
    …guaranteed rights to use the restrooms in any public building including the governor’s mansion.
    …the right to participate in roving blackouts.

  4. I can’t add anything to “Homeless Bill Of Rights” to make it more humorous.

    As if one could have special rights by the virtue of not having the wherewithal to avail oneself of any of the countless shelters, churches, or even a prison has to be a joke, right?

  5. . . . are the right not to wear clothes, the right to free hypodermic needles, the right to drive people with homes out of public parks, and the right to murder other homeless people (or, as we used to call them, bums)

    Suddenly California doesn’t look so stupid, does it?

    I lived in California for thirty-four years. The longer I live in Iowa, the stupider California looks.

  6. … is the right to handle pans — I heard they like that.

    … is the right, as an American citizen, not to bow to any foreign prince. Our president never got the memo.

    … is the right not to be blown up by Islamists. Again, Obama?

  7. No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law….Homeless bums are the exception to this rule.. Open your doors Kaliforniya.

  8. …the right to remain silent, unless you are more than half way through a Mexican meal, a zombie half way through a Mexican, or feel the need to scream after getting caught between Moochelle and a half eaten tamale.

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