Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Donald Trump’s poll numbers are STILL strong. The only real threat to his campaign now is…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Donald Trump’s poll numbers are STILL strong. The only real threat to his campaign now is…
.Donald Trump.
A picnic invitation to Fort Marcy Park.
… if Obama refuses to step down.
…those conspiracy loons over in the darkest depths of DU who can prove Bush did 9/11 using cinder blocks and chicken wire.
…Ogie Oglethorpe…
Donald Trump’s poll numbers are STILL strong. The only real threat to his campaign now is…
those filthy Easterners and their filthy Easterner ways
his ego.
a small exhaust funnel no larger than a swamp rat.
Donald Trump’s poll numbers are STILL strong. The only real threat to his campaign now is…
people actually voting.
chapter 11.
Obama putting him on the “No Fly” list as a terrorist.
A radioactive fragment of his tragically exploded home planet.
…a grassy knoll.
….foot-in-mouth disease.
Rain and no umbrella to keep that rat’s nest dry
…Hillary’s likability
…death by thigh headlock.
“The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy” – Edwin Edwards
…Global Warming. (is there anything it can’t do)
…nothing! He’s golden now that he has dodged the dreaded Ricky Martin endorsement.
… hairspray rationing in 2016.
… if the press decides, after two presidential elections, to look into the background of a candidate.
That old photo of Donald with a tribe of partially trans-gendered Lithuanian dwarfs.
…his hair becoming self-aware.
@22 Hairnet went active on October 25, 2016…
…a hair emergency