Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Hillary Clinton’s brilliant plan to stop ISIS…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Hillary Clinton’s brilliant plan to stop ISIS…
…involves witchcraft.
…with her allies, flying monkeys.
…give them some space on her server to use for attack plans
…what difference, at this point, does it make?
…more gun control
Hillary Clinton’s brilliant plan to stop ISIS…
speed bumps on all US roads.
make them rue the day they made the first female President sad.
…drawing a red line in Fort Marcy Park.
…get Bill a weekend pass to where all those virgins are supposed to be.
…rigging all gay muslims to explode on impact.
…is to trash them in the press, releasing carefully constructed slanders, while tirelessly investigating every one of them with the full weight of the US government – no, sorry, that was her plan to “believe Bill’s accusers”…
Hire the ISIS leader. Vince Foster’s old job is available.
…is to send them a reset button, calibrated to the seventh century…
…is to re-enact the strategy used at Gallipoli…
…is to establish a no-fly zone over the Middle East…
…droning on and on and on…
Hillary Clinton’s brilliant plan to stop ISIS…
does not exist.
paint a fake tunnel on a cliff wall.
subsidize them.
…looking around for a meaningless prop, she notices an “EASY” button from Office Depot and figures it’ll work wonders. After she emails Huma asking how to use it.
Hillary Clinton’s brilliant plan to stop ISIS…
1. Plan to stop ISIS
2. ??????
3. Profit!
Hillary Clinton’s brilliant plan to stop ISIS…
Start calling them WasnotWas…everybody get on the floor, everyone walk the dinosaur….
…Just One Look!
…is to call in Doc Brown & his DeLorean Time Machine, which btw, has been retrofitted with a new and improved flux capacitor, controlled entirely from a Google Flux Capacitor Wristwatch now. She flys back in time to wipe her server clean, the one she had when Bill and Monica exchanged bodily fluids. Then fly back to Benghazi and deliver the youtube to the Libyan Terrorists personally.
…is to punt the ball on 3rd and goal.
…depends on what the meaning of ISIS IS.
Pantsuit Brigade.
Winner! # 16
…get Apple to develop a competing device called the iBro.
…is secret, but it does provide an opportunity for her and Bill to earn a few bucks on the side
@18 jb: Did I win? Okay, I want cookies!
…was submitted in its early stages to Ambassador Stevens for review but came back ‘no comment.’
Hillary Clinton’s brilliant plan to stop ISIS…
will only be available to those with her personal email address.
Send SG:1 through the Chappa Eye in search of the Tokra.
Hillary clintoon’s brillant plan to stop ISIS…
Is neither brilliant nor a plan.
…CIA plot to seed their ranks with hipster ideology, restrict troop movement by flooding the market with extraordinarily cheap skinny jeans.
…sending a delegation of Donald Trump to negotiate their surrender.
…volunteering, nay mandating, that she be bottom middle of all naked prisoner pyramids.
…Keystone Pipeline style project to speed the delivery of muslim refugees.
…is to tear off her sleeves, and unleash her armpit hair kraken!
…involves building a large shiny object in Turkey to distract them.
…is to sit 106 miles from Syria in a black ’74 dodge Monaco, wearing sunglasses while it’s dark outside, with half a pack of cigarettes and a full tank of gas and say “go for it”
…is to finally reveal she’s actually from another planet (as if some of us didn’t already “know” that) and call in the mother ship to put things right
…is to get into a position of influence in the US government, sabotage out ability to fight ISIS, then retire into a palace in Baghdad as Hillarista – Queen of the Sand Pit. Some of that may have happened already – huh…
Hillary Clinton’s brilliant plan to stop ISIS’s advance in Syria is to allow 65,000 “refugees” from Syria to come to the US all expenses paid by suckers, er taxpayers, thereby allowing them to advance here instead.
Hillary Clinton’s brilliant plan to stop ISIS…
Sign them all up for ObamaCare
Have hackers put naked Hillary pictures on all their Facebook pages, and mention that the other 71 virgins look even worse.
Pork bombs
… institute a new Concealed Kerry policy.
… open another can of Whoops-A$$.