I don’t even remember why Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign faded so quickly. It’s not like she had a memorable misstep like with Rick Perry. She was just blah and no one was excited for her.
Well, now they’re pretending to be excited for her.
I just don’t see getting mad at someone for voting for either candidate considering who the other choice is.
If someone put a gun to my head and made me choose between Trump and Biden, I’d do an aikido move and disarm him.
The mistake was putting the gun right to my head. Now I know where the gun is and I can grab it and disarm you before you can react. If you stood a few feet back and pointed the gun at me, it would be a different story.
What I never would have guessed when all this happened is that the anti-Trump people on the right would end up as even bigger principle-less grifters than the pro-Trump people.
Seems so simple.
“I oppose Trump but I still hold onto my core principles which I don’t believe Trump embodies.”
But I guess it’s complicated if you want to stay active in politics because then you have to back someone. And the only way to do that is to abandon principles.
If you have a government that needs smart, competent people to run it, it will fail horribly. If you have a government that’s just fine with someone like Trump or Biden at the head of it, it will last forever.
Biden is older than the last four presidents (including Trump). Clinton, George W., and Trump were actually all born the same year, 1946.
For a minute, I thought he was older than all the living presidents, but I forgot about Jimmy Carter who is now 95.
So is the reason it’s okay to discriminate against Asians in college admissions is that there’s “Asian privilege”?
It seems like you don’t hear a lot about discrimination against Asians, even though such discrimination exists (and they faced horrible discrimination int he past). I’m guessing because Asians — financially — tend to do better than most Americans on average.
As a race, they’re not narrative friendly to the current most popular narrative on race. So they kind of get ignored.
The two parties to me are just two different choices of directions away from where I would like the country to go, but I don’t get depressed because I’m a Christian and I try not to put my trust in temporary things.
It’s tough being the only reasonable person — neither too far left nor too far right — but it is something I must do alone.
“This is automatic garbage collection. We’ll handle it like magic.”
“I’d rather have a way to manually do it just in case.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Well, I’m done with these objects in memory. Can you get rid of them?”
TRUMP: “I don’t like clamshell packaging. It’s too hard to open!”
the left marches holding clamshell packaging and declare that clamshell packaging was the only thing that stopped Hitler
At times, it seems like Trump controls even more of the left than he does the right.
The last time Democrats had a woman candidate for VP, they won Minnesota.
Current events have proven that Trump should randomly blow up more foreign generals.
I don’t know how much more I can take of the left pretending to love the post office. Can’t anyone just say what they think without a bunch of performative nonsense?
Oh yeah. Cancel culture. It’s dangerous to say what you actually think.
The Bible’s stance on racism, as far as I see it, is that all people are of equal value before God. Also, the sin of racism is not a worse sin than your own.
Trump is tearing up railroads. He’s going to ruin our ability to get from coast to coast by rail. He’s going to destroy the heart of this country, the extremely important railroad!
All this USPS thing sounds like a bunch of other stuff about Trump where people act like what he’s doing is some giant threat to democracy and then you found out it happened all the time during Obama’s administration and no one thought it was even worth mentioning.
When Republicans die, I see a disturbing number of people on the left cheering. When a Democrat dies, I don’t see the right break out in celebration. The left will say this is because Republicans are so evil, but can you see people reaching the opposite conclusion?
And I mean I see people on the left ghoulishly cheering who I follow — follow because they’re funny accounts. But I don’t see that from anyone on the right I follow. That’s why it seems to me much more wide spread and tolerated on the left.
I saw someone put a mailbox into another mailbox to mail it far away. This seems like textbook election tampering.
I still can’t believe Disney+ didn’t have any other Star Wars or Marvel series ready near launch. I know they already got a ton of subscribers, but it seems like they would have captured more people without kids if they released those one after the other.
We’re going to have a second season of The Mandalorian before the first of the Marvel series — announced well before Disney+ was launched — is out. Are the people making those just having a bunch of trouble behind the scenes?
Man, I guess I need to give props to The Mandalorian crew to be able to put out a second season less than a year later even with the ‘rona.
If you were able to have whatever you could imagine, the problem would be that your life would be limited to your own imagination. So be happy you don’t get everything you want; otherwise, you wouldn’t get better things.
I saw some dogs barking at the mailman. Were they working for Trump trying to suppress voting? Were they Russian? They certainly didn’t speak English.
Ugh. Now they’ve gone from pretending to care about USPS to pretending to care who speaks at the DNC.
I wish everyone could lose this election.
“Poseur” is the poser way of spelling poser.
PHASE 1: Put locks on mailboxes in states you have no chance of winning
PHASE 2: ??
PHASE 3: Win re-election
“Trump called it the ‘Chinese virus’ so I’m going to call it the ‘European virus’!”
Why do people keep thinking the way to beat Trump is to be dumber than him?
If you aren’t being directly paid for political commentary, I don’t get watching one of these conventions. I mean, I kinda get paid for my political writing, and I’m not even marginally tempted.
The absolute last thing that should convince anyone is a prepared political speech. If I could, I’d make them illegal.
We have an unwritten rule that we don’t write down rules.
How does Bill Clinton not get canceled?
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