In Other Words: Stay Out of India
Arikomban: Rampaging Killer Elephant Claims 11th Victim in India
Yahoo Singapore | 30 May 2023 | Barney DavisA “killer” elephant has reportedly claimed its eleventh victim, an auto-rickshaw driver, after rampaging through Indian villages.
The elephant has reportedly killed 11 people and destroyed 300 houses and shops across the southern Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu in recent years.
Arikomban, translated to “rice tusker”, was named by locals can after his fondness raiding rice shops.
He has been caught several times and relocated to nature reserves but activists have fought to free him.
Relocate him to a sanctuary city immediately!
Chicago Judge Releases Elephant Due To Preponderance of Elephants in Stamping-Death Convictions
My thought process:
Elephants are the symbol of the Repub. Party and should idolized in India instead of 80 year old Hillary Clinton.
“an auto-rickshaw driver”
An auto-rickshaw can’t drive itself away from elephants?
“his fondness raiding rice shops.”
We hold these rice to be self-serve-elephant.
Maybe when the elephant gets near the area, the shops and people should switch over to a paleo diet. It’s clear this elephant is a carboholic.
I’m guessing there have been no stealthy ambushes.
Luckily elephants don’t fart or they would want to cull it and the rest of them..kidding…which brings up the subject of just when is it open season for every animal on 2 or 4 legs.. they are eyeing up 200K cows to slaughter in Ireland because they are blaming them for farts..
“When I was in college I lit one of my farts and it smelled like the devils a-hole. We must ban gas furnaces.”!
Aha! So he has been that close to the Devil and made a deal with him…booyah! I knew it!
The Emu is out on a recruitment trip.
Pure coincidence.
He’s angry because the last time he found pajamas that fit him, Captain Spalding tried to shoot him.
It was a deadly, but mostly peaceful protest.