Straight Line of the Day: What Is “Disease X”?

New Pandemic Vaccine for ‘Disease X’ in the Works
American Military News | 8/7/23 | Timothy Frudd

In the shadow of the recent global Covid-19 pandemic, scientists in the United Kingdom are already taking proactive steps to shield humanity from the next viral threat.

According to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), the new Vaccine Development and Evaluation Centre (VDEC) is working to develop “life-saving new vaccines” to combat a number of illnesses, including the mysteriously-labeled “Disease X.”

“Preparing to tackle ‘Disease X’,” the agency said in a press release. “VDEC scientists have developed immunological assays or tests through which they can measure the effectiveness of vaccines against bacterial infections. These assays are being evaluated for use to combat similar, more threatening pathogens with a pandemic potential.”


  1. A little inside info but, Elon Musk wanted to get away from the name “Twitter” because too often leftists posts were getting labelled with, “what a Twit”. They thought of rebranding as “Twatter”, but leftists didn’ like ” what a Twat” it decided to go with “X” because nobody could think of a disparaging remark starting with ” X”.

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