Still home sick, and I just wanted to say that In My World™ will be moved to Friday.
Anyway, I got this letter from Whitler:
I was wearing my Nuke the Moon T-shirt when I wrote RESPONSIBILITY. You promised me that doing so would make them shorter and easier for IMJO readers to understand.
Didn’t work.
I would ask for my money back, only I was driving to work yesterday in the shirt and seven REBAR spears came through the front windshield and bounced off the mushroom cloud. Can I get half my money back?
I never promised that the Nuke the Moon t-shirt had enough power to make Whitler’s essays a sane length. Anyway, you can go read his essay now, and, by the time you’re done, it should be Friday. I haven’t had time to read it yet (I just got up), but I assume it’s all about pledging allegiance to the Blogger Alliance.
Also, Carnival of the Vanities is up to find more bloggy goodness.
I have gotten many more banner submissions, and I’ll put them up later. When we have a banner, war planning will be moved to the headquarters.
Anyway, here is a teaser for the next In My World™:
Donald Rumsfeld has felled many a powerful foe, but can he stand against his biggest challenge yet… PURE COMMIE EVIL!
Be prepared for Rumsfeld’s greatest battle… and possibly his last.
In My World: The Rumsfeld Strangler vs. Cyber-Lenin
Coming Friday to a blog near you.
Feh the crappy communist parts that make of Lenin’s cybernetic half will break down before the fight is half over.
What’s Whittle talking about – it’s a third the size of his last one (interestingly enough, entitled Trinity). He ought to be paying you more!
Here’s a company that likes Colt Anacondas and hates monkeys.
Does Cyber-Lenin have a Cyber-Yoko sidekick? That would be funny.
What?…oh…crap. Never mind.
You’re really taking all the fun out of my war on you. There are supposed to be attacks and counter-attacks. Now it’s just beating a dead horse.
Hope your powers return soon.
So we shall stay tuned and wait for tomorrow,
where Rumsfeld is finally defeated before the might to communism and Lenin!!
I wonder if Mao will join the battle, or maybe Jim Kong II….. Hmmm…. and cyber monkeys
Have you taken a new job in Knoxville?
Wince, I heard that was made public. The commute is hell!
I have to say that I am disappointed. “The Force is not quite strong in this One…..”
Get better already Frank! I suggest blended monkey as a strengthening tonic.