Jay Solo is having a vote of which actors you’d most like to see be governor. I vote for Bruce Willis (after he gets something past the legislators, he can say, “Yippee ki yi yay, motherf–kers!), Mel Gibson (more Catholic than the pope), and Clint Eastwood (he’s just badass).
A story of armadillo hunting. As soon as I passed the “Welcome to Florida” sign when moving here, I saw my very first dead armadillo. I was like, “Wow! Exotic road kill!” Looked like a chunky lizard.
Kim du Toit doesn’t want people having guns and wants the ATF to keep close tabs on the guns out there.
Michelle is having an Ashcroft t-shirt design contest. Yay! Why is everyone so scared of Ashcroft? I am going to have to work him into an In My World™ post one of these days.
Speaking of In My World™ posts, the one I’ve written for tomorrow had me cracking up. My humor is not always in tune with my readers (you often latch on to things I didn’t think were money lines) but hopefully you’ll enjoy this next one as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Thanks for the link.
micheLe. L. L. L. L. L. L. L.
Is there a hidden message here?
Susie was here
No but there is one here.
Abgr frperg zrffntr znl or ynpxvat va vzcbegnapr. (Nf jryy nf cebcre fcryyvat)
Frank: great idea to bring Ashcroft into the IMW series. He is terribly misunderstood and seems to be a target for a wide spectrum of political types. He’ll be easy to lampoon, but harder to unravel down to his essence.
I am a huge respecter and admirer of John Ashcroft. I do not fear him. I am extremely grateful that the terrorists and terrorist supporters among us fear him.
Perhaps to his own detriment, Ashcroft is a bit unconcerned about his image. (To me, this signals humility and gravity; to others he seems maybe not yielding or deferential enough to the almighty press & pundits.) Yet he has so much on his plate to deal with, every single thing a life and death matter, that I’d be appalled if he spent more time politicking. Can’t people see the gravity of the situation and the double-speed aging in the man’s face?
When I think back to election 2000, then connect the dots to Sept. 11, 2001, I am cognizant of three mysterious events which seemed dark and unjust before 9-11. The first is the obvious–after the long and excruciatingly painful election debacle, George W. prevailed. Thus, a real man, not a robotic monkey was installed as our Commander-in-Chief.
The second was the unfolding of Rudy Giuliani’s embarrassing marital soap opera, then prostrate cancer, leading to him dropping out of the NY Senate race. And thus, Mayor Giuliani was on the job, at Ground Zero, that horrible day when the world changed forever.
The third was the Senate race in Missouri. Ms. Carnahan, Ashcroft’s zero-experience opponent and recent widow, ran a puke campaign and played dirty ballot stuffing tricks on election night. Ashcroft, a class act from his eyebrows to his toes, conceded graciously and exited stage left. It was maddening to the point of breaking blood vessels for me. Yet even on that looooong, excruciatingly painful election night, I admired his calm and inner strength. Just a few months later I found myself literally thanking God for his senatorial loss and subsequent appointment as Attorney General of the United States.
Incidentally, this third event is one which comedian Dennis Miller–not exactly a social conservative–has cited repeatedly in interviews. He says the extreme and utter insanity of the hate campagin conducted by the Left (and Right) against John Ashcroft (like calling him a Nazi) was one of the things that woke him up and hastened his migration from Left to Right. Miller still doesn’t label himself “conservative,” but he has enough common sense to see the danger we face, and the wise and restrained measures we’re taking to combat the enemy.
Though terrorism caused thousands of deaths and severe damage to the economy, it never caused a serious threat to the American ideal.
The Patriot Act, which allows human law enforcement personel to regulate themselves, has far greater potential to destroy the United States. The only reason for the average person to really fear terrorism is that they are too lazy to take their personal defense and the defense of their families as a personal responsibility. Anyone who want daddy-government to take care of them is asking to be a slave.