Liberals hate people with different viewpoints, and, even more so, they hate people who look different from them. They save their strongest attacks for people who express conservative viewpoints while being either a woman or a minority since they just hate women and minorities so much. Michelle Malkin made the mistake of being both a woman and a minority, and has thus gotten a great amount of noxious hate mail through the years for what liberals perceive to be a crime of the highest order.
It’s time to take a stand. Thus many blogs now display this banner:
Six Meat Buffet
Echoes Of Forever
Crash Gordon
Conservative Dialysis
SuperFun PowerHour
Justin’s Random Thoughts
The Templar Times
…right justified
Fmragtops Spews
Right Hand of God
Algo’s Blog
The Conservative UAW Guy
We have nothing to lost but our chains…
Sports and My Thoughts
O’Hara Factor
Right Wing Nation
Conservatives think it’s okay to be a woman or a minority. We even think it’s okay to be both and will not attack someone for that. While many prefer that people express opinions only while being a Caucasian male, we think it’s okay to be a woman and/or a minority while stating your views. Thus, we all stand against dumb honky cracker liberals using slurs against Michelle Malkin, and we hope you’re brave enough to take that stand as well.
UPDATE: List has been updated with more supporters.
Testify, brother Frank!
We’re not going to take it from those racist libbies!
Count our blog in!
We have nothing to lose but chains..
(We dont really have a name yet)
It’s up on mine!
And here, too!
Si, si puede! I’ll add it when I get home.
We do not try to separate and “cubbyhole” people, that is for the “Progressives”.
You do not find Conservatives marching for the causes of individual groups, we leave that for the “Progressives”.
We do not differentiate, we leave that for the “Progressives”.
We include, we leave exclusion to the “Progressives”.
Lets hear a nice big Bronx Cheer for—‘The Progressives”.
Add my blog. I’m putting the graphic up right now.
If I could get evil Blogger to let me access my account, I’d put it up.
It didn’t take long for the Nashville ABC station’s blog (Nashville is Talking) to pick up on mine.
I love stirring the pot.
me and jim too, but apparently my track backs aren’t working this week.
I’m in.
I’m not much of a blogger, but I support MICHELLE MALKIN and anyone else who spreads the truth.
But Helen Thomas is a minority! And I think she may be a woman!
Dude! I’m on board!
me too, me too!
I’m in. The banner is in a post and I’ll add it to my sidebar as soon as I get home.
Just put it up now! Michelle Malkin rocks. Thanks for the very cool graphic!
I’m in too!
Put me on the list.
Count Featherless Biped in!
Steve and Zweibel support Michelle Malkin!
Done and linked!
A minority and a woman, but you also forgot that she’s a hottie! (It’s okay, my wife doesn’t read this blog)
I will add the logo to my site asap. Michelle deserves our support!
Check out my recent post about her:
Michelle Malkin: Best Person of the Day
Got her banner up and running on my blog.
Is my pink, but humble, blog good enough to be put on the list?