Fun Trivia

When will I finally rest?

Whan all Palestinians have been pushed into the sea.

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  1. A trifle off the supject, but:
    Maybe those of the Kos Kids whose filthy mouths need to be washed out with soap, could go too. Their diatribe about Malkin would be funny if it were not so disgustingly foul. I have a couple of questions for them.
    1) Do you eat with that mouth?
    2) I bet your parents are really proud of you. Do they realize that with all the money they have and are paying for your education you can’t find any other words to use other than vile, filthy and truly obscene ones for body parts and functions? And these people are supposed to be educated?
    3) If right wing blogs said things like that about libs the ACLU would be all over them. It would be considered hate speech. How come it doesn’t work both ways?
    4)I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. As far as the F bomb goes, Those who CAN do, those who CAN’T have to talk about it all the time, and we all know who they are, don’t we?

  2. Time spent at the daily kos is time wasted that could be better put to use scrubbing your bathroom; it’s certainly cleaner. I wish i could say I’m shocked about the evil bombing in Tel-Aviv, but I’m not, just angry.
    After visiting the Haaretz site & reading the posts listed after the report, I think that pseudo-American libs & world-wide Palestinian/Islamofacist sympathizers are an even greater threat than the localized problems, like the illegal immigration issue, because they are very closely connected, especially when there exists an attitude that “when the terrorists strike like that, it’s because we/they had it coming for supporting Israel.”
    I’ll always remember that statement because it came from a co-worker (not a “brother”) in a labor union I worked with right after 9/11, and it drove home the point that the definition of dhimmitude flourishes in America any & every time this happens, especially with groups of people who care more for what they think they stand for, instead of who they really are when it comes to taking a stand against things that are reprehensible in every way.
    I may not be for illegal aliens or pre/post partem infanticide, or many other things in this world, but I’m not about to murder random people to drive the point home & try to claim it as holy.
    My disgust with islam in general grows each day.

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