But I’ll take what I can get. Here’s a post and big comment discussion about how scary right-wing humor is to humorless liberals. I mean, a few are able to laugh at themselves, but it’s mainly one big hissy-fit.
Come on, people, smile! You’ll live longer. Life’s a party; stop being the awkward guy who sits in the corner and doesn’t talk to anyone. Liberalism is a terrible disease that includes mood-swings, depression, and mental-retardation, but it can be cured!
(hat tip to SondraK for the link)
UPDATE: More discussion from OTB is here. Yes, I would say my humor is less mean spirited than Ted Rall… but then about anyone short of Hitler could probably say that.
More here from the left… let’s keep following this…
That lead to this post supposedly pointing out I have a history of “hostile” humor by linking one old post.
Eh… that was a forgettable post. Must of been one of those days I felt like putting something out but wasn’t inpspired.
Hasn’t anyone ever seen The Three Stooges? Violence is funny! I didn’t start the fire here, people.
Distinction, though: if Moe viciously murdered Curly out of anger, not so funny. Ponder that.
UPDATE2: Man, a lot of people are linking to that Digby post, but I’m getting like no traffic from this and the shirt in question is out of print.
About this whole tizzy, I think James Joyner put it best with the quote, “Lighten up, Francis.”
The reminds me of that overblown controversy when that Shakespeare play came out that had the line, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”
Geez. Some people just need to grow up.
One guy at the end iof his comments wrote: Go to hell with your T-shirts about “liberals”. There is no T-shirt with enough room on it to discusses what pathetic pieces of excrement you are. And one more thing: http://www.goarmy.com you little psies!
This man is an expatriot and now lives in New Zealand and all I have to say is stay there and never ever come back you whiney aed crybaby traitor.
Ridiculous. Apparently it’s only funny if someone ELSE’S ox is being gored.
A sense of humor derives from a sense of perspective; looks like most of those people missed out.
I think I finally get it. The Libtards think that we don’t have a sense of humor. Therefore, we are incapable of making jokes. They literally think that “Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some Assembly Required” is a statement of intent as opposed to a joke.
They think that we merely CLAIM things to be a joke as an act of plausible deniability, but the Moonbats actually sincerely believe that our assertion that it is a joke is a flat out lie.
How could it be a joke? Conservatives don’t have a sense of humor. Plus it’s not funny (In the Liberal’s opinion)
It all makes sense to me now. We’re not funny, we’re viscous. After all, if someone made a statement about lyching journalists, and said so in complete sincerity, it would be viscous.
But they will never believe that it IS a joke, because they think we’re incapable of making jokes. At the same time, fully believing that we laugh at the misery of those less fortunate, because they fail to understand that IT’S A FREAKING JOKE PEOPLE!
I think it’s less “quiver in fear” than “wallow in one’s own filth”. But don’t blame yourself – it’s their natural state. Just ask “Dennis”.
(DISCLAIMER: This post is not intended to “threaten” “Dennis” with removal from his filth-wallowing pit – i.e. mommy’s basement.)
It was funny reading all the various posts of the libtards screaming that “wingnuts” need to be tolerant or they’ll come and beat us up. It’s kinda like we must be tolerant of all religions that ain’t Christianity.
It’s funny how hypocritical a libtard can be and just not see it.
Reading that crap is like nails on a chalk board to me. I just don’t get how people can’t find the “Fun Facts About Liberals” T-shirt funny.
Because they don’t think it’s a joke, FM. They think it’s serious.
You know what the real problem is. Liberals just aren’t very witty, they can’t take a joke unless it’s offensive and about someone they hate, and they don’t know how to be ducks.
They also can’t see irony unless a conservative points it out to them. Maybe if they spent just a little more time dealing with their own issues and left the rest of us alone, they’d be able to find some joy in life. My advice to them GET A LIFE and let me get on with mine.
Sorry Frank,
I read as much as I could take, but didn’t really find anyone who could laugh at themselves very much.
How about the guy who admits that Larry the Cable Guy is conservative, but not technically a humorist since he’s “not funny?” Sorry, I don’t care who you are, he’s funny.
The ExPat sez WE’RE pushing for nuclear war? Whose saber’s rattling the loudest?
“Pinko Punko” is turned off by Michelle Malkin modeling t-shirts? I guess his politics aren’t the only thing about him that’s pink!
I could’ve commented on that site, but it would have been buried in the muck.
I’ll say one thing, most of them can actually spell. If you’ve checked out some threads…you get my drift.
I try to be fair and polite when I comment, but this time I’ll say – I wish more of them would be disgruntled expatriots!
Git ‘R Done!
I think another aspect to it is the fact that they think being cruel to those whom you dislike is funny. Therefore the direct and sincere statement of beliefs about the political opposition is funny by default.
By extension, they think that’s what constitutes humor for us as well. The direct and sincere statement of our beliefs. They completely fail to understand the distinction between, what we actually believe, what we say because it’s a joke, and what we say out of anger, but don’t mean literally once the anger subsides.
I think it’s because, for them, there is no distinction. They merely extrapolate their way of thinking on to us, but we think completely differently than they do.
It occurs to me that, if we are taking these shirts literally, a lot of Democrats are having sexual fantasies about the president. And that, folks, is just wrong.
I am disappointed with the t-shirts! I went to order a couple of more shirts and the kind and sizes that I wanted are currently “Sold Out.” Thanks to the libs, there seems to be a run on them. Hope you get a couple of dollars out of them.
One of those sicko libbys dubbing himself “the Fool” said this:
//Since we liberals are non-violent pacifists, I suppose we’ll have to retaliate by f_cking their daughters.//
This is why WE teach our daughters ABSTINENCE, unlike the hussys at the U of Santa Cruz.
I made it through about 40 of the “evil right wing bastard” posts but then realized that my head was about to explode.
FRIAR has it right. If they dont think it’s funny it can’t possibly be a joke.
Liberalism is a terrible disease that includes mood-swings, depression, and mental-retardation, but it can be cured!
Don’t know if I buy that.
I don’t think most of you understand the severity of the situation. Words can HURT people. And many of these people have been hurt by the words on this website.
I think we need to be more considerate of the feelings and thoughts of people who never read IMAO, financially support it or give it the time of day when Frank J. posts his more serious essays, such as the one on Oil Wars. I suggest Frank J. learn from the example of the gentle liberal bloggers and confine all following posts to such non-offensive statements as “Puppies are cute” or “Chimpy McHitler is the blanking blank-ity blank of a Norwegian tribal blank and can go blanking blank my blank-ity blank right in the blank”
//I don’t think most of you understand the severity of the situation. Words can HURT people.//
You were frightening me for a minute there Mattias. I thought I was reading the script for an afternoon school special.
You know, the libs have had the previous decade of filling our impressionable teenage brains with their political correctness and crap and now they need to learn from their own adage…EVERYBODY GETS TO HAVE A TURN!! The fact that your point of view is SO popular now just goes to show that regular people are sick and disgusted with the liberal option.
And the fact that there are those out there that don’t GET that just proves their narrow minded stupidity.
Forgive the rant. I just got done reading “State of Fear” and I was glad the one guy got eaten by cannibals.
Hypocrites make me laugh:
I greatly enjoyed the fact that they couldn’t seem to insult us with proper spelling. Or without cursing.
Such is the state of our educational system. These supposedly educated individuals can not make a point, without using disgusting language and deplorable syntax.
I can’t be too hard on the spelling issue. Even the nuns couldn’t scare me into spelling correctly( and they were plenty scary, let me tell you-Psycho scary). I don’t have a problem with the consonants, it’s those pesky vowels that get me every time.
Come on people, making fun of kneejerk liberals is a one-trick pony.
But what a trick!
This actually reminds me of the now-semi-famous “World of Warcraft” video of the one group of players who crashed an online “funeral” (that was, of all places, being held in a public combat zone) and hacked the mourning characters to bits in all-out blitz.
There are people who found it funny and people who took it way, way too seriously and got upset.
The story of the diverse reactions can be found here:
Which tells me two things: 1) what is funny is to a degree a matter of taste and 2) there are some people who will never ever ever ever get it.
Okay lemon peel, that’s freakin’ funny. I have to get involved in World Of Warcraft.
It’s pretty obvious that you don’t -just- want to make people laugh. If you did, your humor wouldn’t all be directed towards one group of people and against another group.
No, you just want to make some people laugh. And I think that’s basically the point your critics are making.
The point his critics are making is that they can’t take a freak’en joke. Frank skewers both sides with his humor pieces. I don’t remember the Pres. looking too good in the last one.
But do I get all up in his face about it? No, because I CAN TAKE A JOKE. I’m sorry I know I’m shouting but I’ve had just about all I can take of these people today. If you want to read things that pick on only those you hate try the Kos Kids. They hate everybody who isn’t them. Sort of like the KKK. Isn’t that right Sen. Byrd?