Man, I’ve been stuck in a little room all day writing a report and working with an Excel sheet. I didn’t have any coffee or food or a radio, and I thought I was going to go mad.
Yeah, yeah, I know you want the funny and not excuses. Well, sorry; excuses are easier. Anyway, I’ll check the news and see if I can hack something together…
write in my worlds… NOW!
rumor has it that Douglas Adams had the same working conditions, and look at the funny he churned out…’course, he’s dead now…nevermind…
Ya know, when I’m in a situtation like that, nothing helps me more than my ipod and a copy of the brand new IMAO podcast…
Slapout, I haven’t heard it is it any good?
I see your whine and raise you one cubicle next to my boss.
Hack something together? Maybe you could have one of Laurence’s cats “hack” something for his Friday Catblog!
Dude, you can’t let the numbers win! Crunch their sorry butts and bring on teh funny!
Since when did a job get in the way of what’s important?
Sounds like we owe you some funny Frank.Hang in there,and we will survive on cadet happy pics.
Wow! This is a bit like illegals bitching about the state of Public healthcare when they pay no taxes. Frank does have a life outside IMAO. Only those that are actually contributing MONEY to this site should bitch if no new items come from him. Otherwise, Cork It. Thanks!