Today’s Message…

I’d like to mention a few important milestones:
The smaller milestone: Monday will be my birthday!! Mark that on your calendars and try to convince your bosses that it’s a special relgious holiday. I have a special birthday request at the RightWingDuck website. Please visit.
Secondly – and this is HUGE – IMAO passed the 5 millionth visitor mark today.
This is truly humbling. It means that at least a couple of thousand people have read my humor columns: The other 4.99 million Are Google searches for various people naked. And kinky things with animals.
Remember: IMAO is the only humor website proven to lower your cholesterol! **
IMAO:The Happiest Place On Earth!! ***
**This statement not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Motor Vehicles.
*** I hope the people at Disney don’t read this.


  1. Speaking of IMAO milestones, I’ve got a question about its begining. What does IMAO stand for anyways? In My Awesome Opinion? I Must Amputate Orangutans? Instapundit Murders Albino Orphans? (They’re kind of like hobos)

  2. You & each of you are hereby ordered to cease and desist the use of any and all copyrighted and registered trademarked phrases and/or material associated with Lord Disney & His auto-sacramented associates. The states of California, Florida, and Disorientation wish to remind you, the general public that, while we provide the “Happiest Place on Earth”, we are also one of the most liberal places on “Earth” (Disney WORLD, mind you), and will not hesitate to exterminate any and all who attempt to trivialize our Prophet Walthammed(PBUH).

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